Title: Between Speech and Breath
Author: Veleda (
Rating: G
Word count: 448
Summary: Yaone, Kougaiji, and Doku on a peaceful night. "Love between us is speech and breath."
A/N: Um... this is really, really late. There's really no excuse for it. I just suck. The prompt was: Kougaiji/Dokugakuji/Yaone: devotion--"loving you is a long river running"
Thinking about it, Doku owes his kid brother a favor. If Gojyo and his lunatic friends weren't on their crazy journey, he, Yaone, and Kou would be hard pressed to find valid reasons to leave Hotou castle. Instead, all Kou has to say is, “Going to confront the Sanzo-ikkou,” and no one questions them.
Currently, they're following up on a tip that the Sanzo-ikkou were recently seen at the inn the three of them are now staying at. True, the tip had come from a pair of drunk youkai, one of whom was missing an eye, but at the time Doku and Yaone had been less concerned with authenticity and more concerned with getting Kou away from his bitch step-mother and that twisted, perverted excuse for a scientist.
Right now, however, the three of them aren't thinking about Sanzo, real or imagined. At the moment, they're a tangle of limbs in the beds that they've pushed together. Doku is moments away from drifting off, lulled by the soft bed, the murmuring of the river, and the gentle weight of his companions. Doku exhales softly. Everything is all right.
A series of thumps awakens Yaone, and her eyes flutter open. She examines the room. It's dark, peaceful, and completely empty. A careful listening reveals that the noises are coming from below-a raucous party, no doubt. She turns around and is unsurprised to see that Dokugakuji is also awake. Both of them are light sleepers, always on the alert to protect their lord. Dokugakuji smiles at her when their eyes meet. The smile says everything, communicates perfect understanding.
It's so peaceful, here and now. The breeze travels through the open window, and the quiet gurgling of the river floats up.
Their lives are nowhere near as straightforward as that river's path; their course has not been so surely plotted. There are trials to come, miseries to bear, ultimatums to face. But no matter what the road ahead promises, Yaone knows that she won't face it alone.
The breeze is as soft as the breath of her lovers, and the sound of the river sends her to sleep.
Kougaiji does not awaken. He sleeps through the night, safe and confident, trusting in Yaone and Doku absolutely. This easy peace won't last. They will have to return to the castle. Kougaiji has things he must do-look after Lirin, rescue his mother, serve his people as their prince. But here and now all that matters is the feel of his companions around him, the quiet night, and the ever flowing river.
Love between us is
speech and breath. Loving you is
a long river running
--Sonia Sanchez