Springkink FAQ: Prompting

Apr 06, 2009 17:17

I thought it was high time we had one of these as certain questions come up time and time again, and it'd be good to have one place with the answers. Feel free to comment with any further queries you have and I'll update the post. A separate post will be made for questions about claiming at a later date!

- Who can post prompts?
Anyone over the age of 18 with a Livejournal account.

- Are there any rules when posting prompts?
Only that you should be signed in and posting to the prompt-accepting post for that round. Prompts posted on any other entry will be rejected, as will anonymous prompts.

- What is the standard format for submitting a prompt?
A number (based on the number of days in the posting month, so between 1 to 30/31 as standard); a fandom, a pairing: A kink - a phrase/idea/lyric.
1; Sex Pistols, Yonekuni/Shiro: Claiming or establishing ownership (private or public; by gesture, word, or ritual; with sex; with a collar and leash; with scent-marking or by biting) - I could bring you so much pleasure.

- How many prompts can be submitted?
You can submit as many as you like. Currently there are no limits on the number of prompts you may submit.

- Do we accept Crossovers or RPF prompts?
At this moment in time, yes. We request these be tagged accordingly, however - e.g.
1. Crossover: Final Fantasy 7/Kingdom Hearts; Reno/Leon: handcuffs - we're a little more creative in our world.
5. RPF: Supernatural; Jared/Jensen: frottage - no-one's going to notice

- What happens to prompts if they are not fulfilled?
They will be reposted for one more round and then deleted from the prompts lists.

- Can prompts be withdrawn?
Yes. The writer of the prompt may withdraw their prompt at any time before claiming begins.

- Who can write/draw for a prompt?
Anyone over the age of 18 with a Livejournal account who is a member of the community. You cannot, however, claim your own prompts. More on this in the claims FAQ!

- Should prompts be posted in one comment or several? What happens if someone wants to post more prompts later?
You can comment as many times as you like within the claiming period and do not have to post all your prompts in one go. However, posting all your prompts in one or two comments does make life quite a lot easier for your mod ;).

- Can I advertise springkink in other communities/on my flist?
As long as the community's mods/your flist don't mind, feel free!

- What do the numbers in the prompts mean, and do they have to be in order?
Whatever number you put down next to your prompt will be the due date for posting fanfic/fanart for that prompt in the posting month. i.e. if you choose 11, your prompt will have and fanfic/fanart written/drawn for it posted on the 11th of the posting month. And I use an Excel spreadsheet to organise the prompts so no, the numbers don't have to be in order when you submit them.

mod post, faq

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