springtime_gen 2009 reveals

May 22, 2009 12:18

Annnnd finally, here are the reveals!

But first, a huge, HUGE, HUGE round of applause to everyone who made this round of springtime_gen such a fun exchange. Artists and authors, readers and watchers, pinch-hitters and betas, reccers and commentors, this was *your* fest all the way and many thanks to you all for making it so successful! *Standing ovation*

And now, without further ado,


Ani_Bester painted Spring Fever for mindabbles

Chibitoaster painted Loyal for schmevil

Rosivan painted Summer June for djin7


Alexajohnson wrote Atonement for Istalksnape

Author_By_Night wrote Same Difference for St_Aurafina

Bethbethbeth wrote Hermione: a Herstory for Humantales

Bluemoon02 wrote Young People for Progress for curia_regis

Catsintheattic wrote When the Trees Sing, Dilly, Dilly for Peskywhistpaw

Chimbomba wrote The Return Journey for Fannyt

Chthonya wrote The Friar's Calling for Fpb

Crjace wrote Sworn by Night for Bethbethbeth

curia_regis wrote The Department of Department Regulation for Dognmonkeyshow

Djin7 wrote Sleeping Dogs for Bluemoon02

Dognmonkeyshow wrote The Life Test for Leni_Jess

Dragyn_42 wrote Afternoon Quidditch for R_Becca

Fannyt wrote Till your frightened eyes do close for Magentabear

Fpb wrote Pressure for Westwardlee

Fugacious_Love wrote Rips and Shreds for Star54kar

Gm_Weasley wrote Battle Scars for Magikcat112

Humantales wrote Neville Longbottom, Gryffindor Extraordinaire for Author_By_Night

Istalksnape With Your Back to the Wall for Gm_Weasley

Jtav wrote My Father Before Me for midnitemaraud_r

Kereia wrote Organised Resistance for Snorkackcatcher

Kerrymdb wrote The Box for Crjace

Lareinenoire wrote Half-Sick of Shadows for midnight_birth

Lazy_Neutrino wrote Dangerous Job for Girls for Quietliban

Leni_Jess wrote Honour Where It's Due for Catsintheattic

Liliths_Requiem wrote The Stepping Stones for Redsiodaslair

Lyras wrote The Lions of Gryffindor for Turningleft

Magentabear wrote When Teachers Were Heroes for Alexajohnson

MagicKat112 wrote Glinting in the Dark for Vegablack62

Midnight_Birth wrote Being a Malfoy for Virginia_Bell

Midnitemaraud_R wrote Family Ties for Slam_Girl

Mindabbles wrote Remember Me In The Telling for Fugacious_Love

Paradise_Loved wrote The Singular Incident as to Why Hermione and Ron No Longer See Friends for Dinner for Pili204

Peskywhistpaw wrote Something in the Night for Chthonya

Phil_Urich wrote Home is What the Heart Wants for Paradise_Loved

Pili204 wrote His Own Way for Velvetmouse

Plaidphoenix wrote Not So Much A Drama Queen As A Diva! for Lyras

Quietliban wrote Burning Bridges for Liliths_Requiem

R_Becca wrote The Family Business for Turkeyish

Redsiodaslair wrote things that can be taken away from you for Shiiki

Schmevil wrote Here Is No Place for Such_Heights

Shiiki wrote Recapturing Memories for kerrymdb

Slam_Girl In Flames for Rosivan

Snorkackcatcher wrote Where My Thought's Escaping for Kereia

St_Aurafina wrote Beyond the Frame for Chimbomba

Star54kar wrote A Foolish Hope for Ani_Bester

Such_Heights wrote Heartstring for Chibitoaster

Teshara wrote Pansy for Dragyn_42

Turkeyish wrote Jigsaw Falling Into Place for Teshara

Turningleft wrote Good Intentions for Lazy_Neutrino

Vegablack62 wrote Eight of Swords, Nine of Wands for Phil_Urich

Velvetmouse wrote Impossible Things for Plaidphoenix

Virginia_Bell wrote Things are not what they seem for Lareinenoire

Westwardlee wrote Freshwater Plimpy Soup for Jtav

PS. We'll take a few to update all the story headers with the artist/author names. All done! And oh yes, you're free to re-post your fic/art wherever you like. Remember, anything we've missed out, let us know of it at our usual hang-out: springtime.gen@gmail.com

- kennahijja, lazy_neutrino, oddnari

springen 2009, masterlist

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