Sign-Ups for Springtime_Gen 2011!

Jan 15, 2011 14:44

Annnnd... here's where you sign up for this year's springtime_gen exchange, whee!

Simply copy the text from the template below, enter all your info, and paste it into a comment to this post. Being somewhat detailed won't hurt :).

Please don't forget to read the Rules and Schedule Post before signing up, so you know what you're in for!

Will you be giving fic or art?
Would you prefer to receive fic or art (though we can't guarantee art)?

For the gift you'll receive:
3-5 preferred characters:
Characters you don't want in your gift:
Preferred genres, prompts or scenarios you'd like to see in your gift:
Genres, scenarios etc. you don't want to see in your gift:

For the gift you'll create:
Characters you'd rather not write/draw:
Genres, scenarios and anything else you'd rather not write/draw:

General Info:
Up to which rating can you legally read/view (also mention any rating preferences you may have)?
Any part of canon you'd rather not see included (i.e. Deathly Hallows epilogue, Tales of Beedle the Bard...):
Have you read the full rules linked above?
Have you participated in before? (if yes, and you happen to remember, mention whom you wrote/drew for):

Sign-ups will be open until 27 January 2011 (i.e. until midnight on the 27th has passed everywhere on the planet).)

If you feel like advertising the fest/sign-ups on your LJ, please do - the more participants the merrier!

Questions, comments? Ask us here or e-mail us at

ETA: Signups are now closed, with assignments in progress! Assignments will be out by 1st February.
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