SO, *takes a deep Breath* lol
Saturday morning I woke and My first thought was "Wonder if we're gonna go to the Philly Show" Next thought was "Did I get Die off in my dream? >.>" Then "Fuck it I'm tired and going back to sleep." LOL
And that I did. For about 30 mins till the alarm went off. LOL
So me and Leah sat and discussed and She said the first thing she thought of waking up was the Philly show. And I told her Mine was too...Then the sex dream about Die. LOL
But we sat and talked. And I text My friend
thesilentsenshi (Steph) to let her know. We were indeed coming to Philly.
We headed down and Leah got some breakfast and I went to smoke then we Got on the computers down there and printed some Directions out to Philly and home. We headed back up got dressed and then checked out.
And so started our Trip to Philly.
Now mind you it's really Not like either me or Leah to do something this big on a whim.
But we had the money, The days off work, Philly was only 2 hours away. Everything was falling into Place.
Big Issue. calling and Informing my mother. LOL
Yes I'm 24. And Yes I'm perfectly capable of making those decisions myself. And I did.
But my mom panics when I go far away. She hates that I go to Baltimore Every year for Otakon. And Didn't like me going to this show. and Definitely didn't want me to go to the Philly show. And I knew that without talking to her.
But I called her before we left the hotel. And Told her and she was all "Okie!" And I was like.........................WTF?
And Leah was like WTF?
But we let it go and headed out. Finally after about an Hour we stopped for a potty and smoke break And I decided to call my mother again.
It kinda went like this.
Me: Hey~
Mom: You home yet?
Me: errr. No, going to Philly like I said earlier.
Mom: ......................................................WHAT? WHY!?
Me: ._. going to see the concert again.
Mom: ..........So you've become a groupie?
Me: ...No Die just really turned me on that much...
Mom: *Facepalm*
Me: no worries. We figured everything out. We have money, and food, cigarettes and everything we need.
Mom:...........>( Call me when you get there.
Me: Will do~! 8D
So off we went again, once again giddy as fuck. LOL
We got to Philly in one piece. Even making across that fucking Bridge Leah hated. lol
Now honestly When you first get into where the Electric Factory Is, it looks like a run down wearhouse. LOL
Neighborhood all sketchy. LOL at least to me where I'm from in the good ol' wholesome Christian town of C-burg. LOL
So we asked some girl where we could park and she pointed us to the Electric Factory Parking lot. LOL how convienent.
But Leah had to Wee and there was no where around there to go! So we ended up walking. Through this creepy neighborhood and I text Steph to tell her we were there.
Some how or another after walking for a while we ended up in this small Venezuelan Cafe/Diner-ish Place. It was really cute and the woman who was working/owned it was super sweet just talking away to us. We decided to try something cause the food looked good and it was...AMAZING. omg. Finally Steph called me and was all "Where you at!?"
So we told her where the Place was located and she freaked out.
I was like "lolwut?"
Honestly I didn't think the area was that bad myself at that point. but whatever.
So after a bit Steph came and got us and we hung out and talked for a while making fun of Steph's loudness. xD
And after a while the Four of us. Me, Leah, Steph and Asia Headed back to the live house got our tickets then got in line.
It was weird this show. They actually patted us down. LOL And did a really crap job at it at that.
But we made it in and headed once again towards Die though a bit over cause I wanted to be closer to Kyo this time.
We were honestly only about 4 rows back from the front and could still see pretty damn good.
This time Evaline was ready and took the stage first. I told Steph to watch out cause they're vocalist Kid likes to Jump the crowd. And he did....And I moved over. LOL Wasn't going there again. Every time he go anywhere close to us I moved away. LOL Kid scares me. xD
So after that the Diru concert started and this time I got more into the Dancing and headbanging then I did last show. But sadly. The guy behind me SUCKED. He was desperately trying to start a mosh. And failing horribly. all he managed to do was majorly piss people off around him.
A couple times Leah turned and Shoved or hit at him. But he just continued to be obnoxious. The show wasn't AS fun. In the sense that The Boys weren't nearly as perky as they were the night before. They seemed really tired.
But generally still was an AMAZING show. Die wasn't as sexy, But I was able to focus on Kyo more and I could HEAR HIM! Oh how happy I was that I could HEAR him! And it was just.....AMAZING.
All was good until the fucker behind me CRACKED me in the head...hard enough that I like Blacked out for a good couple of seconds. The Thing that pissed me off was that it was the beginning of Vinushka. Why the Fuck was he flailing like he was at the beginning of Vinushka!? Seriously!? So the rest of the show I had a massive headache and a huge bump of proof. But I'm a trooper Made it through Still headbanging.
And then the Encore which they seemed to have made a habit by then.
Toshiya decided to throw a towel.. And I managed to get over to where It was. And dived for the thing.. Along with like 10 other ppl. And we all went down. That was crazy finally I let go cause the one guy had his body wrapped around it. there was no hope. LOL but the one guy wouldn't let go eventually people just shoved him away and the rest of us helped the other guy up. That was entertaining all it self.
But I got split up from the others and had to go hunt for them. LOL
Finally found Leah.
We got a drink, smoked and Stayed for a bit of Apocolyptica Before heading out and eventually ended up by the buses again cause we lost steph, my head hurt and the Concert was just making it worse.
So we hung out for a but before Steph found us we changed our stuff (She had my phone and we had her shit in the car) said goodbye And split.
We hung out for a little While longer..
And were about to go home when Kaoru Came out.
I waved at him a little But got nothing. And I know he saw me at least this time cause He STARED at us again and there was all of Like...3 of us right there. I was like "See..That's why I didn't wave the first time." LOL
But All in all. The Weekend was probably the best of my life so far. We had so much fun and just forgot about the crap of normal Life. Acted like Retarded fangirls sometimes. And got down with our bad selves.
And honestly. I'm okay with that.
Last Up: Philly pictures.