While this is quite a shot in the darkest of dark places, my Google Fu has failed me, gentle readers, and I don't really know where else to turn.
Somewhere in my education before college, I believe that I read a short story about a boy who has an insect collection. I can't remember if it was moths or butterflies, but I think it was moths. He happily collects his moths and expands on his collection until the conclusion of the story. One night, the moths attack his bedroom, breaking through the screens, and take him away - pinning him to a tree deep in the forest in their human collection.
It was a bit of a startling story and the ending has stayed in my memory, but I have no recollection of any other details, when I read it, or who wrote it. Part of me even wonders if I am remembering it correctly or if I read it at all, but I can't imagine coming up with it.
Does it seem at all familiar to anyone?