[|recent additions|]
I am going to attempt to continue to update this catalog as Frank gets more ink and as we learn more about Frank's tattoos. I make no guarantees that this space will be as up-to-date as I would like. Unfortunately, I have a job and commitments in real life that impede my ability to trawl around the internet. If anyone notices a new tattoo and I have yet to change this space, please drop me a comment or an e-mail. {
contact me} I will also warn everyone that my dates unless directly quoted by Frank are approximations. He may not have gotten the tattoos on the dates that I have named, or he might have gotten newer ink in locations that we/I haven't noticed yet.
The latest ink that Frank has been sporting has been on his right and left hands. It debuted in August; however, some of the best pictures of his newest ink came from the Leathermouth concert on 20 October 2007 at The Knitting Factory
{photo credit:
melissa dorado}
full size}
Frank's left hand sports half of a heart and the word "romantic."
{photo credit:
die earth}
Frank's right hand sports two new tattoos - a spider's web with the word "hopeless" and a heart with an arrow through it and a "Jamia" banner
{photo credit:
melissa dorado}
More of Frank's right hand.
{photo credit:
skeleton crew}
The concert also provided some of the first clear pictures of the wolf tattoo.
To see more Leathermouth concert pictures visit
skeleton crew,
Leathermouth's myspace (need a myspace to access the pictures) or
these fan posts at
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