whats it like to have a room of guys encircling you?

Oct 07, 2004 01:36

the faint was nothing short of amazingly awesome and fantastic, marvelous, fucking grand, etcetera. just wow. the lights made it THAT much better.
kinda similar to what's going on in my life.. :]

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Comments 12

heroforhire October 7 2004, 06:52:39 UTC
looks like you had a wonderful time.
did they play a mix of old and new songs? or mostly just the new stuff?
great pics, btw.


spritzspritz October 8 2004, 06:31:21 UTC
i diiiid:]
they played just good shit.
here are the songs i remember them playing - birth, worked up so sexual, agenda suicide, glass danse, take me to the hospital, violent, your retro career melted


mem_ory October 7 2004, 21:03:17 UTC
fist? -points to picture- right there.

i'm jealous of you because the faint is coming here next week and i can't go.


spritzspritz October 8 2004, 06:29:53 UTC
that sucks. next time... next time.


expo_eightysix October 7 2004, 21:31:48 UTC
ahhhh i CANNOT WAIT to see the faint in a week!!!!


spritzspritz October 8 2004, 06:29:26 UTC
GOD you will have the BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE. seriously i danced all night.


snookims October 8 2004, 10:58:05 UTC
cool pics :o)

Hey was wondering... what resolution are your pics!

they turn out so well :o)

hope you had fun!

Love Lily xoxox


margaret1979 October 8 2004, 17:29:55 UTC
oh man that looks awesome!!!! :D
I didnt end up going to the chicago show last night... it sold out :/


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