Title: White Dresses And Dead People (2/4)
danniisupernovaPairing/Characters: Veronica/Lamb(not that shippy right now), Mac, Parker, mentions of Meg, Weevil and Parker/Logan
Word Count: about 600
Rating: R
Summary: Veronica is cracking.
Spoilers: 1x21, 3x14
Warnings: Insanity, graphic content
and it was getting so she could barely stand it, but Veronica considers last night a small triumph: she slept for thirty minutes. In a row. She knows this because there is a space of thrity minutes missing from her long inventory. She slept for thirty minutes (in a row!) between 2:48am and 3:18am. She can almost remember the dream she had, something about Weevil and Meg that didn't make any sense and she knows Lamb was there. He's always there, even if she doesn't see him. He's always laughing at her, out of the corner of her eye, but she can never catch him.
She's banking on her headphones to save her. She keeps them clamped tightly to her head at all times; they keep her from talking to him, snarking like she would before, like a third person would. She's done this once already and people had stared. Veronica glared at them. Plenty of people looked funnier then her.
She doesn't understand why she's seeing Lamb at all; the reason Lilly had come to her was always abundantly clear. The truth is she's so tired she can barely make a fork work, let alone her whole brain. All she knows for sure is that her headphones make her safe, so she wears them all the time.
But every so often any song she listens to will fade out, mutating into strains of "Welcome to the Jungle". Veronica can't stand Guns n Roses, but she can't turn it off. He's waiting for her.
She was driving home after dropping Mac and Parker off at Hearst. Parker had chattered on about the dates she and Logan were going on. It wasn't that Parker was inconsiderate or that Mac was oblivious, Veronica had just told them she was seeing someone else. And frankly she was at the point where Parker could talk about fucking Logan and she would barely even notice. She'd had to turn the music down, but Parker was so distracting it didn't make too much difference to her. But after they were gone (Mac was giving her weird looks and Veronica was glad when she got out of the car), she turned up the stereo as loud as it would go.
And he was sitting right there, right next to her, with a sandwich in his hand. He wasn't wearing the hat or his uniform shirt anymore. Instead he had a Guns n Roses t-shirt and a pair of mirrored aviators on.
"What's up Veronica?" He took a bite of the sandwich. She could hear the squish of the mayonnaise and the meat tearing apart. It sounded raw, like wet cellophane.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Veronica tried to snarl. She was run so ragged it practically came out a sob. Lamb laughed. "You're kidding right?"
He looked at her, smiling like an asshole. Scratch that, a dead asshole. She stared ahead, teeth clenched. "You really don't know? Veronica Mars needs a clue from the incompetent, stupid Donald Lamb?"
He looks away from her, grinning. That's when Veronica notices the way his skull collapses in the back, like it's broken under the skin. She tries hard not to gag. He turns back to her, still wearing that asshole grin. "Look at the shirt. Look really hard."
On the radio, Klaxons warped into Guns n Roses.
"I don't get it! What the fuck are you trying to tell me?!" She looks at him, furious. Lamb leans in, lowering his sunglasses to look at her. "The reason? It's that you should really be watching the road."
She looks up into blaring light, she hears brakes slam and then Lamb was laughing and