[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :: Jared Don Harfield
Birthplace :: Calgary, Alberta
Age :: 16
Age you act :: lol like 4!
Current location :: Vegreville, ALberta
Eye color :: Green I think
Hair color :: Brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: Righty!
Zodiac sign? :: Aries...but I don't really even believe in that jazz.
Height? :: 6'2.5"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :: Brit and Norweigen (sp?) I think
Your hair :: Very full headed. Fluffy at times and usually soft as a kitten!
Your fears :: Bugs! I don't know how I'm going to handle the summer at camp! Matt will probably put spruce bugs in my sleeping bag! lol
Your perfect room :: Ummm.....4 walls and staying upright?
What you practically do in a day :: Not a whole bloody lot! lol
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :: chotch, and 'hmmm'
Phrases you overuse :: Get out of town and take a bus!, what the chotch?
Your first thought when you wake up :: How on earth is mom up this early to wake me up? Gosh! Its only like 10:30!
Your greatest accomplishment :: Walking and talking at the same time? lol jk. Probably like writing stuff like songs and junk.
Something you want to do :: Go hang out with friends in The Pas!
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :: Is there really a huge difference between the two?
McDonald's or Burger Kings :: Mcdonalds
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: At least Britney Spears tries to sometimes act pure...
Chocolate or vanilla :: Vanilla
Adidas or Nike :: Adidas because I remember that dirty acronym that matt taught me in like grade three!
Black or white :: I am not racist thank you.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: Bills. Although it is cool when you hve like 50 dollars in loonies and toonies! Slurpee stash!!! lol
Burgers or hot dogs :: burgers
Egypt or France :: france
Rock or rap :: I think rap....
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :: nope!
Cuss :: not very often, but the odd time if I stub my toe or if I do something incredibly stupid...
Sing well :: This is me we're talking about here...
Sing in the shower :: I tried it this morning...and I'm pretty sure the paint on the walls wasn't peeling before I got in the shower...
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: Not really like conversations or anything, but I do sometimes like think of an embarrassing moment and then go, "Gahhh! Dummy!" and then smack myself on the head. But other than that I'm completely normal! :D
Believe in yourself :: Like the little train? No way! But I do sometimes have little bursts of inspiration about things I'm doing.
Like taking these longass surveys? :: Its better than not doing anything!
Play an instrument :: A couple yeah. Piano/keyboards, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums (kindof), kazoo
Want to go to college? :: Don't really WANT to, but I guess I should...
Want to get married? :: Heck yes!! I can't wait!
Want to have children? :: Yup! I'm thinking an even three!
Think you're a health freak? :: Well, I have been trying to take care of my body more as of late (going to the gym, showering once a week, eating healthier)
Get along with your parents :: For the most part yes. However, I do sometimes have little outbursts with them.
Get along with your siblings? :: For the most part yeah.
Think you're popular :: I don't get egged when I leave my house so I don't think I'm 'unpopular'
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :: nope
Drank alchohal :: Yeah. My mom gave me some whiskey for my cough! It was crazy!
Smoked :: nope
Gotten high :: ...no...
Done any drugs :: buckleys?
Eaten an entire box of oreos :: I haven't done that since like grade 5!
Been on stage :: Yup! I played on the worship team at church this last sunday!
Gone skinny dipping :: In my bathtub yes...
Been dumped :: Technically yes. In edmonton when Matt suddenly picked me up and then threw me down on the grass. lol. What a crazy guy!
Dyed your hair :: Yup!
Stolen anything :: I'll confess! When I got a slurpee today, I took 3 straws instead of just one! *sobs* Am I a bad person???
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :: Matt and/or Bo
Loudest :: RUBY!!
Most shy :: I don't think I am friends with any shy people. lol.
Blondest :: KATHRYN!
Smartest :: Kathryn....I think.
Kindest :: Lory
Best personality :: Megan
Most talented :: Either Matt or Lory
Best singer :: Lory
Most ghetto :: Heh. I think the Christian kids are fairly un-ghetto.
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: LOL! Shannon!!
Pain in the butt :: Depends if I'm in a crabby mood or not.
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):: (See above)
Funniest :: Steve
Best person for advice :: Probably Lory.
Dependable :: Ummmm.....Me!
Trustworthy :: I trust most if not all my friends
Druggie :: I don't really know any...
Most likely to end up in jail :: Dan!!
Person you've known the longest :: Matt by far.
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :: Last night I dreamt that somebody left a weird comment on my LJ and when I checked today, it didn't really happen.
Last nightmare :: A loooong time ago
Car ride :: Two days ago
Last time you cried :: a couple weeks ago when we rented the notebook.
Last movie seen :: The Sting
Last movie rented :: White Noise
Last book read :: Becoming a Man
Last word said :: Dummy! *smack!*
Last curse word said :: GOSH!!
Last time you laughed :: Tonight
Last phone call :: This afternoon
Last CD played :: Rock n' Pop Mix
Last song you listened to :: Neon - John Mayer
Last annoyance :: Computer shutting down due to power outage when I was in the middle of writing a paper. gosh! And having to shell out 160 bucks for guitar repairs. Dang!
Last IM :: I think it was Lory.
Last weird encounter :: This morning I told my body to get up from bed, but I guess I was half asleep so I kindof felt paralyzed. freaky deaky!
Last person you hugged :: Karen
Last person you yelled at :: Karen lol
Last time you wore a skirt :: *tugs shirt* Umm....when I was queen esther
Last time you've been evil :: I'm always sweet as can be!!
Sarcastic? :: Never! ;)
Last time you fought with your parents :: A while ago! like a loooooooong time ago.
Last time you wished upon a star :: last summer at simonhouse
Played Truth or Dare :: I think at youth quake
Spent quality time alone :: today! I read my bible, and prayed, and spent some cool time with God!
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :: Nope. Its 2:23 am right now. All the sane people are sleeping!
Do you feel lonely :: A little, yeah. I have like no real friends here in Veg. I have people I sometimes hang out with, but not really anybody I would call a close friend.
Ever TP'd someone's house :: nope. I have SB'd some houses though.
How about egging someone's house :: Nope!
Do you not like dislike not like me? :: I...concur...with that statement....Yeah, that'll do.
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :: I love 50 Cent but not really eminem as much
Yo Momma :: My halo nick name!
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: No...but if you have remind me not to sit next to you near meal times...
What do you think of George Bush? :: I dunno. Funny name?
Any secret fetishes? :: Hmmm.....geee-ross!
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :: ...no...
How many languages do you speak? :: 3. English, Halo lingo, and a language consisting of grunts, moans, and odd noises.
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :: A little.
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :: Ummmm......*shifty eyes* YES! *runs away and hides in a box*