First of all, to my FB friends who weren't friends on LJ and aren't used to being assaulted by my ramblings, take whatever steps you feel are necessary to protect yourselves, or take none at all.
Insomnia leads such weird places, like watching the latest "Mummy" extravaganza at 630a. I know "normal" are awake at that hour - I'm not, and it was strange.
It really was such a nice weekend. Hanging with HipNotic is always a blast, if for no other reason than to get a whole bunch of dancers in the same place and see some dancers I've never seen before. Got to see a buncha my girls, buy some eye crack/kandy, and do a spiral dance with a guy I went to law school with who I haven't seen in 10 years. What's not to like?
Kittenus Maximus is slowly acclimating an hour or so at a time; but the girls are acting like such idiots that he retreats to "his" room after about half an hour of being spit at. And he's scared of the television. Oh well.
I do believe I'll try bedtime extra special early tonight with NO tv or movies on the laptop (which is a terrible awful habit I need to break).