Spy Fest 2011 Rules and Guidelines
1. Requirements for fanfics:
• 1000 words minimum - Don’t feel you must write a novel, though you certainly may write a longer fic if you wish
• Beta-read and free of spelling/grammar errors and ready to post.
• Based on the prompt assigned to you - please do not switch prompts on your own. If there is an issue with the prompt, consult the mods.
• Not a sequel or part of a series
Have one or more competent individuals check your fic. You may use beta(s) of your choosing. However, make sure it’s someone who will thoroughly read and check for mistakes, not just a friend. Please don’t take offense if the mods find your fic needs more beta work and sends it back. A list of people specifically willing to beta for this fest will be put together for your use. If you are having difficulties finding a beta, talk to the mods. We may be able to beta for you or find someone.
In extreme cases, the mods have the right to dismiss a participant due to severe quality issues.
The mods will be proof-reading all the submissions to make sure they meet a minimum standard of quality. We may correct small issues/typos and run those things by you. Please don’t be surprised if we email you with questions or issues with your story. This is not to suppress individual style, but to make sure that the language and usage is as strong as possible.
3. Fics are due by 30th MARCH 2011, beta read and ready to be posted.
If you dropped out of a previous round, please be aware you will be assigned an earlier due date, as a precaution.
4. FORMATTING was a big issue last year. Please do not rely on Microsoft WORD to auto-format your fic as this is not compatible with livejournal. You need to make sure your document is compatible by copy-pasting your story into Notepad - if the formatting goes funny, then it won't look right for us, either!
Common problems include: no manual paragraph break (i.e. relying on Word auto-break), double paragraph break, use of Word auto-functions such as "smart quotes" (i.e. cursive rather than straight quotes) and other auto-format symbols. None of these translate well into HTML!
Finally, your document must be HTML ready. For italics, the code is < i > to start italics and < / i > to end italics (remove the spaces). For bold it is < b > and < / b >.
4. Extensions
If you need an extension, you must email the mods (spyfest@gmail.com) as soon as possible. They are granted at the sole discretion of the mods. We're willing to work with you on this, but don’t just try to take advantage and don’t just ask for endless extensions. We will pull your entry from the fest if we have to. Please be responsible about this. We’d like to not have any problems.
This is very important! Dropping out is serious and it hurts the fest. If you need to drop out, email the mods sooner rather than later.
It’s much easier to fix things up in January than a week before fics are due. Please note that dropping out may affect your ability to participate in this fest in the future and does mean an earlier due date if you do participate in the future. Extenuating circumstances can be understood, of course. However, dropping out just because you feel like it is not acceptable.
6. Contact Guidelines:
Your mods are
arithilim and
annephoenix. Communication with the mods should all be emailed to spyfest@gmail.com. This includes questions, extension requests, and (worst case scenario) dropout notices.
Make sure to include your sign-up name in all communications.
This is important so we can keep everything organized. Use the penname you signed up with (don’t just use a nickname). If your pen name changes during the fest, make sure to tell us.
WHEN REPLYING TO AN EMAIL FROM THE MODS, DON’T CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. This allows us to keep conversations together, and the fest better organized.
7. Fics will be posted by the mods on
spy-fest. As this is a gift exchange fest, authors are kept anonymous until the end of the fest. As such, submitted works may not be posted anywhere by the author until reveals are up. After a masterlist of who wrote what is released, you may then post your work wherever you like. Failure to maintain anonymity may result in you being removed from the fest.
And that concludes these rules and guidelines. Signups will run from DECEMBER 10th-24th, and an announcement will be posted in the FFN forum when the post is put up.
Please also consider reading this
Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges, by Someone Who Knows Comment on this post with any questions about Fest Rules.