I've spent a huge chunk of the past two days in the library. Yesterday, I found this piece of scrap paper abandoned on the windowsill next to my desk. I feel very lucky to have found it.
You just have to keep your eyes open! My favorite items that I've found are a set of 8 photos of these teenage girls posing in this really hideous underwear with bottles of beer and bongs, I've gotten quite a giggle over those--but I'd never post those!
It would be awkward to see them in person...I assume they live near me and I can't help but analyze every girl's face thinking, "is she the girl holding the 40 in her white bra with black flowers?"
Hi Susan. :) I just wanted to leave a quick comment to let you know that I got your email, and as soon as I get a little extra time, I'm going to write you back. =)=)
Thanks for the information. I think that you should wash your face at least 3 to 4 times a day. Youâll be surprised how much better your face will look.
Comments 9
You're lucky, I've never found anything interesting on scraps of paper
It'd stink if you did post them and the girls who were in the pictures somehow found them
that would be awkward :P
the last i heard from you i think things weren't going well, so i hope they are getting better now :)
lamb isn;t what it used to be, so there's probably not much reason to be on LJ, lol
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