For those of you not in the know, the Mars Volta is the most incredible band to put sounds onto tape in like 20 years. They are bringing back huge, conceptual progrock, which for me isn't a bad thing. I personally dig 9 minute songs. If you want more info, check out http://themarsvolta.comRead more... )
A different one today. This one was made while wandering with hattrick69 and kobyrama around downtown Tampa. I have had it for a while, but hadn't gotten around to playing with it. I thought about it the other day, and I really like it. I hope you do to!
I have learned that you have to click the shutter for the holgaroid 3 or 4 times to get a good exposure. If you are right up on something, then you can do it in one click, but I mean RIGHT up to something. I will post some images of my gramma's dog in the next few days.
So I was using this web site to post pictures, but they took away the blogging feature. That is why I have been behind on my daily posts. Sorry about that. I am not sure if anyone noticed
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