Silly Hallowe'en Party!

Oct 31, 2005 20:35

Borrowed from littlemissmac for the night...

spymunster's Halloween party:

__make__me dressed as Optimus Prime.

abash dressed as Captain Picard from "Star Trek".

abstractshan didn't dress up, spoilsport.

againstnihilism dressed as a cavity.

angledge dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Friendly Artist.

blankboy gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Armor of Triumph.

circus_grrl dressed as a 1970's disco child.

completely_lost dressed as Bob Dylan.

cosinezero dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Janice.

crimsonsketch dressed as a doctor.

disco_vixen dressed as a dog.

doctorjazz dressed as Liv Tyler.

ehme dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Address of Water.

elbandito dressed as Larry Bird, though it looked more like a penguin.

fallen_icons dressed as a new superhero: Chameleon Inferno.

glowingwhispers dressed as the Cardinal of Landy.

gregclow dressed as a pixie.

icantgetaname dressed as the Governor of Florida.

karinabaerchen dressed as a assistant dead chicken waver.

littlemissmac dressed as the Viscount of Mothumaximus.

lizvang dressed as a pixie.

ljmatch dressed as Calvin Coolidge.

marilia dressed as the main character of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".

marthawells dressed as Barbra Streisand.

maxilla dressed as Nora Roberts.

mcbloom dressed as a grand prick, and it suited them all too well.

missmacphoties dressed as Mr. Sulu from "Star Trek".

morticiadelicia dressed as a 1990's grunge child.

mr_marlboro dressed as the Brady Bunch -- all of them.

mrflagg didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

msagara dressed as a diplomat from Costa Rica.

noname15 dressed as a YellowCity Star Herald Newspaper employee.

pajama_man dressed as something average, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

panthergrrrl26 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

papadood dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

ravenethier666 dressed as James Madison.

robont2 dressed as a Level 9 fighter.

roxy_photo dressed as a pizza.

roxy_star dressed as Jeff Gordon's aunt.

rupturedandroid dressed as a fullback for the Redskins.

rynamyn dressed as a turkey.

sapia dressed as the love child of Ted Kennedy and Vanna White.

saynogo dressed as Rutherford B. Hayes.

silence_killz dressed as your mother.

sirflabnbone dressed as a second baseman for the Giants.

sleep_walker dressed as Squidward.

sloan212 dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Oprah Bubblebrain".

spymunster dressed as the Arctic Power Ranger.

status dressed as a happy mummy, and it suited them all too well.

temima didn't dress up, spoilsport.

thatmoment dressed as a bottle of Tarbic.

themoonfell dressed as Paris Hilton.

turned2glass dressed as Beavis.

unha_com_carne dressed as Julia Stiles.

xsre_guy dressed as Jessica Alba riding a cat.

zerotime gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Angelina Jolie.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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