Day 02: Nine things about yourself.
1. I am a pessimist
2. I am very much addicted to Subway and Pepsi Max, which is probably the sole reason why i'm ever short on money.
3. I'm working very hard to overcome my natural shyness and inhibitions. But i am scared that this will lead me to do something stupid in the future.
4. I will never reach my potential.
5. Stand up comedy is one of my favourite things in the entire world. And Stand Up comedians are some of my favourite people.
6. I am fascinated by accents.
7. I very rarely ever dream. And i barely ever remember them if i do. And i often don't believe people when they narrate the stories of their dreams to me, because i couldn't really imagine such an experience.
8. Raw tomatoes and coffee are really the only tastes that i cannot stand. I have no allergies and will pretty much eat anything and everything.
9. I really can't think of many things to say that aren't true of most people my age and in a similar situation. So really i'll sign this off by saying that i really am enormously average.
Day 03: Eight ways to win your heart
1. Go look to win something more worth winning, like the heart of a functional person, or an x-box or something.
2. Don't look at this like a game to be won, that just includes pressure into the mix and makes everything awkward.
3. Laugh at my jokes; i'm incredibly needy like that.
4. Don't lavish me with attention, i can't handle it.
5. Enjoy films.
6. Initiate contact, because i seem to be pretty much incapable of doing that.
7. Be patient.
8. Y'know what, this is too embarrassing, how about we just stay friends instead. You could probably do better anyway.
Day 04: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 05: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day 06: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day 07: Four turn offs.
Day 08: Three turn ons.
Day 09: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day 10: One confession.
Had trouble with these two, not really sure why. I find it hard to describe myself in a way that seems interesting, because it becomes hyperbolic and either far too good or far too tragic and i can't strike the balance.
Last couple of days have been fine. I'm very lucky that i went home on Friday because the snow really came down today. England isn't supposed to look like this, it is a little bit freaky. I think maybe all those childhood prayers to the skygod for snow for 17 years reached critical mass last year and it's all come at once. Or is that a little fanciful?
I have one of the most extreme colds i have known for a while, and it's making my face ache.