So…I picked ts3 up today. It was only five bucks, and in perfect condition. I really want to play it - I was on the fence about it at first, but… eh… seeing everyone’s pictures and all the content that’s out there really convinced me. And come on, it was five bucks. I load up the game, fiddle with the settings, re-start it a couple of times, and I
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Comments 9
For some reason sims outdoors look really awful in my game. It's the lighting I think. What I've done is turn up the Sims textures settings and turn off shadows (or maybe it's mid level, either way I turn it off because the shading is jaggy outdoors). All my pics I take indoors. There is a noted improvement.
But yeah, I hate having to jump hoops to get my game to look decent. I can't wait to get a new computer myself so I can load up on CC and not have to worry.
I think that's what takes the most out of the game. The lighting seems so pretty in other people's screenshots. I'll keep the indoor thing in mind, though.
That's what I really can't wait for! I decided that I'd load ts3 up with realistic CC and keep ts2 maxis-matchy. 8D
(That it shadow detail set to 'low' I think. WHY HAVE SHADOWS AT ALL IF THEY'RE SQUARE. IDFK.)
I have a Radeon HD 4650. I have no idea if it's a good card or not (I love how it makes my Sims 2 game look), but I have exactly the same issue as you with the outside shadows. I've tried everything to improve it, from updating drivers, to turn off processes, play with no CC... it just does not improve.
Freaking Sims 3, this is why I ended up uninstalling it. If I had so many issues with a 6 month old computer and just the Base Game, I wonder what will happen by the time EP 5 comes out :
Yes, really! I don't want to imagine. The requirements will be way too high for me. O:
The game is so picky! I tried using in on my dad's computer, which has way high specs, and it looked the same. I was like 'WHUT'.
Aw.. what expansion do you not have? There are places that they sell for really cheap if you don't buy them brand new. 8-x
I hope you'll find a way to fix it! I never had problems with the shadows but I have a very recent graphics card. Well, last year it was recent.
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