It was both wonderful and a little sad, getting together to watch The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome last night.
On the wonderful side, Jordan really went out of his way to include subtle shout-outs to the rest of the writing staff and cast in his script. For various reasons, they didn't all make it to the final cut, but it was great (for example) hearing Matt's line about "puppet blood, monkey-fudge or terracotta" and thinking about Andy and Sarah's earlier episodes.
I was also completely tickled to see Ida's origami on screen. See, my mom got me a page a day origami calendar this year, and I've been leaving piles of little folded critters in my wake since January. This has been a source of some amusement in at least two offices. So all of the origami on Ida's desk (except for the blue paper with gold on it) were things I had made over the five months I've been with The Middleman.
On the little sad side: was hanging out with the rest of the writers and our great cast and not knowing if we would ever be making any more of this show together. And knowing that all The Middleman we've made is now out in the world, makes the whole experience feel just a little more "over" to me.
Also sad was that
Neil wasn't with us. I met Neil Levin when he started on The Middleman, so I only had the privilege of knowing him for a few months. As a newbie writers' assistant, I really appreciated working with an experienced script coordinator. But more than being a colleague and always generous resource, Neil quickly became a friend. He was one of the first people I met through the show that I knew I was looking forward to spending time with socially as well as on the job. Unfortunately, that won't be possible now, but I count myself lucky to have known him for the brief time that I did.
ETA: My mother just called to say that The Middleman got a mention on All Things Considered tonight, during a story about the Bechdel Test, including an interview with Natalie Morales. Go Natalie!