I have completely forgotten how to blog, indeed it very nearly escaped my memory that I even have a Blog, yet I find myself back in Afghanistan working nights and hence I have a little time on my hands
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My dvd of the final arrived yesterday and I watched it last night. I was like seeing it for the first time cos at Wembley the whole match kind of dissolved into stress.
What they want to do at any hint of Berbs thinking of leaving is show him the clip of himself after the game where he waves his trophy around and says "this is what all about is, man, this what all about is", and point out to him that he's never going to get the whole thing any better than that, nor will he be adored in the same way.
So glad you're writing again! I'm doing alright, just wishing for spring. While you, I suppose, have plenty of warm desert-y weather. And plenty to jangle your nerves. How's it going over there?
Very hot, a bit Groundhog-dayish and counting down the days to a full two weeks back in the UK before I jet off to Americaland for 8 weeks. All very exciting.
Comments 7
Stay away from them!
What they want to do at any hint of Berbs thinking of leaving is show him the clip of himself after the game where he waves his trophy around and says "this is what all about is, man, this what all about is", and point out to him that he's never going to get the whole thing any better than that, nor will he be adored in the same way.
I bet he leaves.
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