013 ★ In Which Mulan Gets Morgan Freeman~ [Evented.]

Dec 10, 2010 00:11

She sliced through the transfigured snow golems with her sword in a practiced ease, as if no effort had been spent at all even though fifteen in total still surrounded her slender figure as another fifteen of the same lay defeated upon the ground along with many more of different types. Her steps were light, leaving barely an indent in the frosted ground as she appeared to swiftly dance around each of her charmed, quick moving opponents. All her enemy targets larger than she and each one radiating a power capable to injure whatever part of her they touched with a slight brush of their limbs. Her complete focus appeared to be directed upon these enemies, not the snow that fell around her, the memories it invoked or the delighted laughter that was carried upon the wind in stark contrast to it all.

Not even the surprisingly new addition of a voice sounding out about her took her focus away from the task at hand. No, nothing could distract her, not even her sword being cast away as she finished off the last golem with an ordinary silk fan in a move that seemed surreal. It was the kind of move many associated with only being able to be done in those Chinese Martial Arts movies she was often question about.

Not to innterupt--

She began, summoning her fallen sword to her side as she made her way towards her bag. Perhaps heading for the thermos of tea she had earlier packed with a warming charm.

--but how long is this spell going to last?

"A day - perhaps more, perhaps less", I replied, not fully sure myself. I was, after all, merely a bit of magic. Magic that could only be sentient in so many ways.

She ducked her head in a nod, swallowing the tea she had just taken a sip of.

Thank you.

She stated, her tone calm and polite. The idea of talking to a disembodied voice bothered her none. She was particularly relieved that at least this little mishap of magic was non-life threatening or dangerous in any way. A thought was spared for those she considered both friend and sibling, hoping they too were fortunate in whoever might be narrating their tales aloud.

Do you think they were?

She asked curiously. A tinge of concern, though well hid, sounded out within her question.

"Probably not. No," I replied, considering what I myself had heard being whispered and shouted about. Many seemed to be finding today's occurrences or happenstances - as she seemed to like the word one of her dearest friends often used - annoying. Fortunate was probably not the word they would akin all of this to. Embarrassment was far more likely, in fact, considering that many, like the young woman before me, weren't even aware that their magical journals seemed to be taking upon a life of their own for this day and broadcasting all that happened for everyone to se---


[And here's the part of the story where Mulan awkwardly scrambles to shut the journal. x-x Gdit, Voice!Freeman - warn a girl, would you?!]

mulan fa

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