In Which Howl Teaches

Nov 03, 2009 13:06

Name(s): Howl Pendragon, [OPENED]
Location: Classroom
Week: Week 44
Time: All Week
Rating: PG

It was a strange feeling to actually be excited to teach for once. Maybe it had something to do with the new location or perhaps because he no longer had to sit in a dark, dank dungeon classroom. It could even be because the subject was right up his alley, having studied long and hard on what makes spells work ever since he was a first year.

No matter what the reason, Howl was actually happy to be here. It showed from the fact that he was on time for his own class for once. Lazily, he leaned against the desk in the front of the room, arms crossed against hsi chest. As the bell rung, the class began.

"Welcome to Spell Creation and Theory. I hope everyone is alive and well after the events of the weekend," he smirked. "Our Headmaster had decided that in order to fully understand magic, theory is more than necessary. Unfortunately we will not be learning how to create spells until you can grasp the theory behind it. That won't come until after your fifth year."

((OOC: Because Howl is not just lecturing or having a practical lesson for all classes, I want to do something a bit different. Everyone else will be going in their normal order, however because Howl is asking questions and such, he must continue to go about the class. So Howl will be 'butting in', so to say. Everyone else however will keep their order as if he didn't do so.))

❧akira touya, ❧maka albarn, ❧link virtus, ❧ruby carmine, ❧howl pendragon, ❧ryan evans, ❧chao lingshen, ❧momo hinamori, ❧edward elric, ❧toph bei fong, ❧jaina solo, !class

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