Delicious Fic Meme 3.0
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Character(s)/Pairing: Cid/Edea (for a
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Comments 105
Setting: Headmaster's tower
Prompt: Cake
Kink: ... Cake?
Rating: IDC
Setting: Post-Hogwarts
Prompt: Didi returns to complete his conquest.
Kink: Use your imagination~
Rating: Definitely M
Sakura’s not one for drinking, but when she walks into her apartment and sees that familiar barn owl regarding her impassively (and it never arrives when Kairi is home, and that should probably worry her), she walks straight over to the fireplace and Floos Catty, tells her she’ll be there in an hour. She never tells her friend why, but she knows that when she shows up half off her ass already, Catty’ll have the good booze ready to go.
They start off polite. Pleasant, even. Dearest Sakura, like they met each other for tea just last week. Her hands shake and she grips the paper to still them. Rips the paper.
He never comes right out and says it. He doesn’t need to; whether this is because he already laid the ground work years ago or because he’s just gotten better at what he does, she doesn’t know. Maybe it’s both. Or maybe it’s something else. Whatever it is, he could be talking about the goddamn weather and Sakura can still see it printed out across the page in perfect, precise handwriting.
Nice ( ... )
She’s in the ER when then EMMPs (Emergency Medical Magic Personnel) rush him in, closely followed by his father - who quickly decides the petite girl with the pink hair is a nurse and that someone needs to get him a proper Healer, the best Healer for his son. That McCoy fellow, or the Haruno woman the Prophet keeps going on about. The rest of the hospital staff in the area look on, apprehensive, eager - this sort of thing happens often, and she’s tied people to chairs for less. Punched people out of the hospital - her hospital - for not much more.
“Excuse me, sir, but I have lives to save,” is all she says, stepping around him. Her intention is to meet Dionysus’ eyes once and then walk on; she can tell from a glance that he’s not going to die from his wounds. McCoy can take this one.
But she looks at him, then, and there’s that something in his eyes, the same way he used to look at her back then and even though it’s everything ( ... )
Setting: Hospital Wing; timeline whenever.
Prompt: Training the healer wannabes!
Kink: 8|
Rating: Idc.
Setting: Hogsmeade
Prompt: The younger years sneak into Hogsmeade and get up to ~*shenanigans*~
Kink: 8| Ew.
Rating: Totes PG
Setting: 8|a A bar...
Prompt: Hot red heads getting their drink on
Kink: Alcohol
Rating: Up to you~
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