Sep 01, 2009 17:35


Since there are quite a few lovely people in that log with Ghost Widow, I request a favour - if there is any level of injury or violating personal boundaries you do not want GW to cross, POST HERE. This is going to be a rather hectic even and I don't want to do anything anyone is unhappy with, but emailing everyone and stuff would get rather time consuming. If you can just let me know degree of acceptable injuries and anything she can/can't know in order to screw with their heads, that would be wonderful.

IMPORTANT: If anyone wants to be really severely injured, we need to check with the mods. Anything more severe than broken bones - disfigurement, amputation, stuff where they need a professor to come help them must have mod permission.

Also please feel free to IM me on adriastra. I am here, just invis, because OH GOD SO MUCH TO DO XDDD I may be slow but I am game to discuss so that we all have an awesome time and are pleased with the outcome.
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