SGA Drabble: Bait (Rodney PG)

Dec 12, 2005 06:38

Title: Bait
Author: Jacqueline
Feedback: Email and LiveJournal
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: None.
Rating: PG, if that.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Character death.
Summary: Something's hunting Rodney.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author's Notes: For the Shark Challenge at sga_flashfic.

Rodney fights his fear, forces himself to breathe shallow, quieter, so he won't give away his position.

After a few minutes he manages it. Around him the forest is silent. Its darkness is omnipresent.

Then a twig snaps somewhere off to the right, and Rodney's breath is coming in desperate gasps again. The noise he's making is loud, like blood in the water.

Rodney wonders if this is how unfortunate swimmers feel upon finding themselves in shark-infested waters, just as they realize they're about to be devoured.

Against all reason, the Wraith jumps him from the left.

Rodney dies screaming.

fanfic: sga, drabble, fanfic

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