1. Do It For Buddy: 50 is my boy
Do It For Buddy: we go back to 7 mile
IMToughGuy2000: o really
IMToughGuy2000: u mean central park
Do It For Buddy: no, i did live on 9 mile road though
IMToughGuy2000: wow ur a hard ass
2. CaNtdENytHiS21: see you parg you do get a lil annoying, but like lately youve been really cool
CaNtdENytHiS21: you my boy
3. I Am Bison Dele: When I first saw you, and heard that you liked Evan, I was jealous. I was jealous that a girl like you, so funny and cool and smart and easy going (all be it shy) liked Evan. Because Evan has been a jerk to myself before. And as I got to talking with you more and more I realized that I would never have a chance with you and saw you liked Evan that much so I just gave up (Oh btw that was before the whole thing where Turner commented and Evan thought it was me). I saw that you and him clicked, that there was that connection there. And whenever I would see him flirting with other girls it would piss me off, because I knew he already had you and would go and flirt with girls not nearly half as good as you. And as we became better friends and he started acting weird towards you, and as he broke up with you. It made me sick to my stomach. How he can throw away something with a girl like you, who in my opinion, is an amazing, loving, kind, easy going, benevolent girl is just wrong. I started to like him less and less until I really couldn't stand him anymore. I love you as a friend Justine and I just want to say everything he has done to you to fool you and toy with your emotions is wrong. I know it will be hard, but you need to get over him. You're so much better than him. He is just too naive and really can't contemplate having a serious relationship and I don't think he understood how much you felt for him. Justine, I am sorry he did this to you, I love you and I'm always here for you. I hope you know that. You're amazing.
its only Justine: wow.. i don't even know what to say. you are amazing Andrew, i don't think it will be possible for me to put into words how thankful i am that we became this close. i love you so much and you have been there for me so many times and helped me out so much i just.... i don't know where i would be without you. i'm going to save that and print it out, and put it in a box for all eternity. every time i get sad because of Evan, i am going to read what you just said.. because it really means something to me. you mean something to me, you're a great friend and i'm so lucky to be this close with you.
4. wlncoach11: good man
Do It For Buddy: ;-) holla
wlncoach11: i love you man!
Do It For Buddy: i love you too fras dizzle
Do It For Buddy: you my boy blue
wlncoach11: that's what life is all about - now we have to influence everyone else we come in contact with to make them better people too...
wlncoach11: BLUE...................maybe the best movie of all time!
5. doyoufeelnaked: mmhmm
doyoufeelnaked: and richness
doyoufeelnaked: and fucking sweet kids
doyoufeelnaked: our kids would be sweet
doyoufeelnaked: wed teach them so well in the ways of the sweetness
6. Do It For Buddy: deefs
ChampioN2783: dood
Do It For Buddy: what up man
ChampioN2783: no idea
ChampioN2783: and yourself
Do It For Buddy: haha are you gone?
ChampioN2783: woah
Do It For Buddy: i'll take that as a yes
Do It For Buddy: lolo
ChampioN2783: shit man, whats goin on
Do It For Buddy: haha nothin
Do It For Buddy: just got done babysitting
ChampioN2783: nice
Do It For Buddy: what did you do tonight?
ChampioN2783: dont remember
ChampioN2783: munchies
ChampioN2783: i need
ChampioN2783: brb
7. Goose Frabaha: haha that would be a revealing outfit on you kid
Goose Frabaha: lol
SuperG553: the hockey one?
Goose Frabaha: lol no the wrestling one
SuperG553: oh hahaha
SuperG553: thats k
Goose Frabaha: yeah Christen cause you'd be naked in a hockey uniform
Goose Frabaha: lol
SuperG553: hahahha
SuperG553: thats why i was wondering what you were tlaking aobu tlol
SuperG553: I'm not afraid of showing some skin lol
8. Goose Frabaha: yeah i'll wear those thick glasses
Goose Frabaha: and a suit
onyxhotel8: lol
onyxhotel8: heyyy my glasses were thick
onyxhotel8: until they developed a new lense for them lol
Goose Frabaha: lol no i mean like bullettproof thick
Goose Frabaha: haha i have a pair but i cant find them
onyxhotel8: lol
Goose Frabaha: haha they are like as thick as.......
onyxhotel8: lol a door.
onyxhotel8: just say a door
Goose Frabaha: a door
onyxhotel8: yeah.. a door.... who would have known/