pippy barely failed today. she had ten more seconds to go.... and then she pressed the bar. poo. her first lab that she didnt complete. bummer. good news: criterion deadline is tuesday. yay!!! i can work with her friday, saturday and monday...
ya, made one hell of a bad decision. one that i will have to bare consequences to from now until may of next year. possibly after that too, in the minds of those who know about it. i was really mad at myself. sooo mad. im a drama mama. but Gods love is so deep.... im getting over being mad at myself pretty quickly too now. its kinda cool. this has
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14And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else
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Bummer. Pretty sure i got a B on degelmans test today. No excuse this time, not that there was last time, but i was prepared to get a B. this time i put semi effort into it, but i dressed up. Anywho... i felt like a lazy lozer walking out. I was dragging my feet and a beautiful girl said hi to me and i couldnt help but respond cheerily to her.
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decided to go with wheatgrass shot instead of coldstone. good decision. i almost like the taste of weatgrass now. isnt that sick?? itll pass. i used to like the taste of spinach too. i still do, but not as much and only so much
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soooo good. i learned a lot, but i do not think it was all an act of worship. after the first two weeks, it was a matter of sticking to my word and surviving. near the end i was complaining until the last few days i said aloud each time i was getting sick of classical music "jesus, thank you for dying for me". i wish i would have done that sooner.
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LORD SEND YOUR WORD!!!! IM DYING FOR A WORD, A FEW WORDS. Let me be greedy. I laugh, because I know I will get my way. You have already promised me that if I ask for your wisdom, you shall supply. How good it is to faith in someone who does not fail.... NOW SEND YOUR WORD! MORE!!!
im just waiting for gas to hit ten bucks a gallon, so gasoline operated modes of transportation will be limited to the rich and famous and those of us left will be forced into a simpler, less busy lifestyle. then rapid social change can begin. more community, more excercise... sigh
When the body sinks into death, the essence of man is revealed. Man is a knot, a web, a mesh into which relationships are tied. Only those relationships matter. The body is an old crock that nobody will miss. I have never known a man to think of himself when dying. Never.