Title: Following (Part Fifteen)
Characters: Juliet, Jack, Charlotte, Daniel, Hurley, Bernard & Rose (so far)
Pairing: Juliet/Jack, hints of Charlotte/Daniel
Rating: R (This part is more like PG-13.)
Spoilers: Season 4, Season 5 (sort of)
A/N: ACTION! PLOT! I hope this part isn't too unutterably cheesy. Comments = ♥!
“Dan,” Charlotte said, turning the device over slowly in her hands, “You know I hate to be a pessimist, but what if everything doesn’t go well?” )
Comments 7
My two favorite things:
aww Charlotte :) She really cares for Daniel doesn't she?
and I love how Jack and Juliet are working together on this.
And a cliffhanger ending?! NEED MORE PLOT. Like right now.
I'm working hard on the "more plot" thing. I have almost the whole "section" planned out as far as what's going to happen (and there's a lot!) but the writing takes much longer than the planning! :P
I mean, I loved every chapter you've done so far, but this cliffhanger especially -- and the appearance of the Others -- has me waiting on the edge of my seat for more! I love how you balance the plot and exposition with real, tangible character development, and the grouping of Jack, Juliet, Charlotte and Daniel is just perfect (my two favourite pairings, so I'm a little biased ;P) as they try to puzzle things out.
I'm excited myself about the whole section coming up. I've been dying to write this one scene in particular for what seems like forever, because I keep stalling myself accidentally with all these digressions and conversations which come to me as I write. But now I'm truly almost there. I really hope you enjoy where it goes!
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