so my best friend's brother's drug dealer died in a car crash the other day. she found out at that time that they had a drug dealer and she said "those people should die" and i said " he did"
i don't know if you noticed it but i was drinking last nighty and it has left me kinda groggy all day i am at my moms riht now tommorow i have my japanese final and i know i won't do well i miss boy he went to go hang out with his buddies and work on a car he worked at grcc today and so i git a minute with him to talk i am so tired tired tired gah
haha that guy in the firebird was so fucking funny he ran two lights to get away and he also pretended to live some where else i want to find milicifant so we can find people i mean come on now its st patricks day so many peeps at the bar!