Debra Gray; SuperGlee App

Sep 27, 2011 20:17

About You
Name: Squid
AIM name: squidded
Timezone: GMT (but really, my hours are whack!)
RP Experience: Lots. xD
Did you read the rules? Yah. Again. Just in case.

About The Character
Name: Debra 'Deb' Gray
Journal: will prob be sg_debra
Graduation Year: 2013 (junior)
School Activities: school paper, creative arts club, yearbook
Class Schedule: AP English, Spanish III, Creative Writing, Journalism, AP Physics, Alegbra, Psych
After School Job: Waitress at Breadsticks.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday & Other Important Dates: July 12th (birthday), June 8th (sister's birthday), October 9th (brother's birtday), January 4th (parents anniversary)
Supernatural Ability: Will be assigned randomly by the mod at time of acceptance.

Appearance: Debra is a 5'9" brunette with dark brown eyes and fair skin. She's pretty in a look right past you sort of way. She's average with just about everything -average height, average weight, average skin tone, average fitness, average average average (she hates that word).

She doesn't help herself with how she dresses. Functional yet stylish. Deb tends more towards the more modern style of things, nothing flashy, just the simplistic style of fitted jeans and a simple shirt. Hats are good for accessorising and from time to time, layers are lots of fun. But nothing too outrageous. She is not exactly 'fashion forward'.

Debra has one scar on her thigh; an accident when she was younger with a trampoline and a garden fence. It's fairly small, and few people know about it or see it, but it's there. One attempt at journalistic integrity gone wrong left her with a broken arm, the bone having split through the skin, leaving a fine, ragged scar line on her left forearm. With a general air of self-confidence, Deb doesn't stick out, but she doesn't blend into the wall either. She's not the life and soul of anything but she's the girl you'd glance at when you first catch the look.
Played-By: Carly Pope ( Here

Likes & Dislikes: Likes: writing, iced coffee, spicy food, conspiracy theories, boys, gambling (mostly online)
Dislikes: fights, Latin, chipped nail polish, liars, onions

Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: has mountains of integrity (and a million quirks to go with it), stubborn, likeable, great with the English language
Weaknesses: may be three clubs short of a deck, takes things to heart, believes in spaceships, prone to awkward crushes, stubborn, sarcastic and prickly at times

Personality: Debra is an outgoing, quirky young woman. Mostly a friendly, easy going person, she's keen to make friends but is a bit of a picky girl after the fact. While she might keep just a handful of close friends, people to whom she will turn and depend on, she has a large circle of acquaintances, people to whom she is easily included in company with.

Striving to help people, Deb is a compassionate person who wants to see the good in people, but is instantly put off by any serious faults in a person -she really doesn't like mean spirited people or anyone who thinks they are better than others. She's open minded but sticks to her own impression.

Her quirks are more in her nature than her personality, her parents are struggling to accept that their daughter is a conspiracy theory nut job (their words) and puts far too much stock in 'out of this world' stories. She's flawed in her ability to trust (mostly in relationships) and her view on the world is altered by the steady stream of extra terrestrial and urban legend stories that she likes to chase.

With a rather sarcastic and morbid sense of humour, Debra usually relies on others for the comical side of things, but she's more the supportive, honest voice within the group.

Relationships: Mother & Father; Deb is pretty close to her mother. She shares most of her secrets even when her mom would prefer she didn't, but her parents are supportive and hope it's all just a phase. Her dad works a lot, trying to keep them in the house they have and get the food they need. He's a pretty great dad though.

Sister: Carrie is two and a half years younger than Deb -Carrie is a pain in the ass and steals Deb's hats and mits and is totally raiding her shoes now. Carrie had a boyfriend before Deb did and she's just a little brat. Deb would put her fist through the face of the first person to pick on Carrie.

Brother: David, who is five years younger than Deb and three years younger than Carrie is a little bit of a freak -in the 'I'm so smart I just blew up the toaster' kind of way. Deb doesn't really see what's so special about the kid that totally just made a satilite in their yard and totally got cops and shit all around their house, but whatever. She sort of hopes he grows up to be Sheldon from TBBT so that she can tease him.

Background: Debra is the first born to Joe and Rebecca, a joy to their life following Rebecca's illness from breast cancer. Joe works in an accounting firm and Rebecca gave up her hospital orderly job before she started the treatment for her cancer and then, after she got pregnant, just never went back. Debra was a quiet child but a fairly active one. She loved going to the park to play, loved being outside, loved doing just about everything.

Deb even reacted well when her Mom got pregnant again and baby Carrie was brought home. Deb liked being a big sister, it was pretty easy too since Carrie barely did anything but eat and sleep and poop. Joe and Rebecca had their ten year anniversary when Deb was five and announced that they were welcoming baby number three at some point that year. Deb was more excited because Carrie was growing up and getting boring.

When she started school, Deb discovered that she was a little bit strange -because the other kids all made friends with each other and she just, sort of, didn't. It wasn't that she didn't talk, it was just that she didn't really talk. Deb made up stories to keep people from getting too interested -she didn't really want to share her little sister or brother with that weird person who mentioned loving kids. She was the sort of girl that was there, but no one really knew. She liked it this way.

Days were filled with imagination, reading and writing and daydreaming about things that would be exciting and unusual and something fun. Deb found that she liked that more than talking and playing and hanging out. She became somewhat reclusive; she didn't go to parties or hang outs, never went to the dances (it wasn't like anyone asked her anyway, she was just that average girl from school that everyone looked past). Her passion for writing grew and Deb decided the journalism was where her future was.

Problem was that she had a little bit of a ... well, an unconventional style of 'reporting'. That nuclear factory in Tokyo? Totally a front for the robot army they're building. The moon landing? Totally just chilling out in the Arctic. Don't get her started on Lee Harvey Oswald, or AIDS, or Elvis, or UFOs, or a whole lot of other stuff that she could go on about for hours.

It's partially why she doesn't exactly have 'friends'. She was 'weird' and 'off the wall' and 'wrote those really stupid things that made JBI look like a Pulitzer prize winner'. But that was Sophomore and Freshman year. This is Junior year and Deb, well, Deb grew up a little during the summer (like she developed BOOBS!) and Nana Midi totally smacker some sense into her (she's supposed to hide the weird until people won't notice, say what?!) and Deb knows that in order to get the really good stories, she has to get the inside scoop.

JBI could never get that, cause he's weird in a creepy 'my hand is under your skirt' kind of way, she's weird in a 'why are there tin foil hats all over the wall' kind of way. So, Lima is finally going to get hit with Debra Gray. So long as she doesn't get taken off by the Government for that article she wrote online about that thing that they pretend doesn't exist -you know, what happened in Roswell, New Mexico?

Plot Intentions: Deb's always lived in Lima so she'll know people in passing (she's half Jewish on her Mom's side, so she'll know of Puck and JBI and Rachel from Temple (bah) also, she's all up in most peoples poo-poo cause she's sneaky like that but she puts a sort of wild and out there spin on things (hello alien possession to explain Puckerman going gay). Anything is welcome!!!

Sample Journal Entry: In the truest form of flattery -which by the way isn't impersonation, that's the highest form of plagiarism and is something I shall be pursuing, Mandy Malkin you horrid little weasel, and I will wring your neck out until the taxidermist --- wait, nevermind.

Ah, the Cleveland Valley Clovers (or something like that, they have these weird four leaf clovers on their uniforms which are supposed to depict good luck or good fortune, I fail to see how a weed with four leaves is meant to be lucky when it gets stood on more often than not) once again proving their originality with a startling rendition of 'California Gurls' (they can't spell or do geography apparently) which, and I have several sources which support this (one of them being unmentionable but it is strongly ill-advised to argue with her) claim that they have, in all fairness, ripped off the failed 2011 WMHS Cheerio's routine for Nationals (note to self; never mention 'Nationals', 'fail' and '2011' to Coach Sylvester without bulletproof barriers, and even then be several miles away).

The Clovers have never heard that they shouldn't pair green with blue, however and simply looked like food poisoned, suffocating oompha loompas in skirts.

It's safe to assume that Clovers will not be competition for Coach Sylvester's back on top Cheerio squad led by the shockingly successful Becky Jackson (she so totally reminds me of someone, I just can't put my finger on it, it might be the mega phone) and trained to perfection by Jackson's deputy (although it seems to be in name only) Santana Lopez (is it possible to be Satan incarnate and a cheerleader? I don't think that is legally allowed, someone should look into it).

Additionally, the weather in Lima has taken a turn for the hormonal. Advice widespread is that umbrellas -although good at keeping the water off your head in the moments of extreme downpour, only attract lightning in the moments of confusingly sudden thunder and lightning storms (just as pod person and former bully Dave Karofsky if flesh is a good conductor).

(the answer is no by the way)
Sample Third Person RP: For the first time in what had to be -well, an hour but whatever- either way, Deb checked back into her network system, logging into her forum and her blog (not as popular as JBI's gossip trash site, but steadily climbing the ranks -it wasn't hard in Lima). Her latest article on the probability of the body snatchers being in Lima was getting a little more interest than her previous out reach about the whole 'Elvis is Blaine Anderson (Warbler extrodinaire) deaged and returned to Earth' article. Likely enough it was because more people cared about the possibility of their body being snatched than the Warbling birdie and his potential return of blue suede shoes (which even she knew were not a fashion statement).

"What're you doing now?"

"Be quiet, minion. I'm working." Carrie didn't listen, instead wandering into Deb's moderate but homely bedroom -if living in a shoe box could be a bedroom- and flopping on the bed. "Careful, I have ESP devices under my pillow."

"God, you're a freak." Deb was used to her sister calling her that, it happened at least five times a day with varying levels of seriousness. This was not one of those serious times. "Kevin is picking me up, can I borrow your green top?"

"You hate my clothes, why do you want it?" Deb didn't look away from the screen, she was browsing through that icky blog of Jacob's, looking for some solid evidence for or against the possibility of her story being true.

"We're going for Italian."

"Fine, but get it dry cleaned." Carrie never wore her own clothes for Italian because she always got spaghetti and always got sauce on her shit. Ruining Deb's clothes was, according to Carrie, like community service.

"Yeah, whatever." Carrie was half way towards the door (two steps away from the bed for those who wanted to know) when she stopped and smirked, "Hey, did you hear? Apparently, Sam Evans is all gay for Kurt Hummel now. It's like, all over the place." Carrie didn't wait for Deb's response, leaving right after the news.

Fascinating -and not just because Deb had so totally called little mister Justin Beiber on his in the closet nature when he started at McKinley last year, but totally because it gave her a further push towards the truth (no really). She was sort of glad she was a girl now. She'd been more than a little put out when the word spread that Kurt Hummel was out of the closet (and most people wondered if he'd ever honestly been in truth be told) and Deb had been a little devastated because hello total crush. That had sort of faded when she'd watched him walk down the hall one day and had to ask herself why she ever thought he was just stylish and misunderstood when it was quite obvious then that he was a total fairy and she was probably the dumbest girl on the planet.

Additionally, she'd so totally dodged a bullet, because things were adding up. And they all added up to Kurt Hummel being the mastermind behind the whole thing.

It was like the Faculty, only not with that creepy girl from the South with the odd accent and the stupid hair and no one was snorting chalk from a pen case and the football coach wasn't the bad Terminator who turned to metal (although she'd really need to watch Beiste closer just in case). Where was she? Oh yeah, Kurt Hummel being the Body Snatcher ring leader.

She was looking for pod people. And it would start tomorrow. Or the next day, because she had an English paper due on that phoney Shakespeare and it was worth a third of her grade and she wasn't about to fall behind now and have her mind sucked out through her nose by -wait, wrong movie...
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