Especially if you live in the United States like I do.I'd be happy to talk with you about "An Inconvenient Truth," and global warming in general, in comments to this entry
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I don't read or Nature, but I do follow other/similar sources, and if you're asking whether there was a lot of new information in the film, i.e. stuff I hadn't ever heard before, well, then not really (the most notable exception being some new data about climate change over the past 650,000 years, which data proves that the change we're experiencing now is more drastic than anything in that time frame). Still, the way the information is put together, and especially all of the visuals -- photos, videos, charts, maps, cartoons (even the Simpsons artists appear to have contributed!), was extremely powerful
( ... ) is much like in terms of being a place to go to hear the intelligent counter-argument to some wacky right-wing pundit. Can't recommend the page highly enough (though it does get a bit far over my head at times).
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