ho hum and all that other stuff i feel like life as i have ever known it has been shut off, like a power button. maybe somebody ripped the power chord out of my life. fuck i'm using computer analogy i need to break free again
what a fucking day not only did all that happen but then i had to go to the doctor because i sliced my finger in 1/2 and it hurts so bad and its so hard to type
so bored so cold and so blah i want it to be the weekend and i dont wanna work gotta talk to sean tonight. gotta convince him to trade a night with me. i want thursday night off for a toga party and going to the bar. yay yay yay
so... internet is being cut from my house. this is total crap. i cant wait to move out..... this place is becoming worse and worse by the day ugh family sucks SAVE ME
still waiting for that knight in shining armor....