Random Supernatural fic snippit because it's 2:30am and I can. :)
Sam is sixteen and terrified, shivering as he huddles halfway under a scruffy bush. It’s been about five minutes since he’s heard anything significant, five minutes that feels like five hours, and he’s keeping himself from panicking by flipping the safety on and off his pistol. The tiny clicks of the gun do little to distract him from the true dangers that await him should he move, and even those dangers aren’t enough to distract him from the knowledge that he hasn’t heard Dean in five minutes, and Dad was supposed to be right behind them and-
A branch cracks about seven feet away and to the right, and Sam stops with the safety switched to off. The rain chooses this moment to pick up, sending rivets of water dripping around his eyes, and Sam’s grateful because it lets him pretend he wasn’t tearing up from fear. He waits, scarcely breathing, and hopes despretely that Dean had just been knocked out, and he was up now, and he was coming back to tease Sam about being a scaredy-cat and-
A face appears abruptly in front of Sam’s, face shockingly white and eyes glowing unnaturally in the dark.
“Hello, Sam,” the man (who was not a man, not at all) whispered.
Sam has a bare moment to tense, to breath, to prepare to scream-
“You’re mine now.”
And all the rain, the black trees, the bitter cold, vanishes in a burst of white light, sharp and jagged like broken glass.
Cos I'm thinking, I wanna see a SPN AU where Sam comes into his powers early, and the YED takes him, and I've totally read like, at least five of those but I don't care, it's a fun idea that deserves more stories. Especially if those stories are fun and creepy and dirty and horrible. Or uhhh. Something. :)