Quick update for those who have been ignoring my journal for good reason cos I'm boring: I'm in the Navy, having joined this past July. I have two college degrees (Japanese and International Relations), and I'm currently learning Chinese for mysterious reasons that the Navy won't explain. Okay, it's not really that mysterious. I'm gonna be a translator or something. Or maybe I'll shoot people with characters. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. (think about it: "Oh, look! Americans! Let's go attack the-- OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS-- is this a tiny bladed Chinese character for "wind"? What the fuck? I mean, real-- OH GOD IT'S POISONOUS."
I think my life would be complete on that day. I have to sign up to get my Poisonous Character Throwing quals ASAP.)
ANYWAY that was an update for anyone who just uhh, stumbled on my lj page conveniently on the day that I made this post. If so, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COMMENT cos I'd laugh. :)
But yeah, update.
~ Chinese is going well so far. I'm the best in my little section, which sadly doesn't say much, though presumably I might be recommended to go to China if my class gets the immersion trip. Which, uh, maybe. I don't know. I'm in Unit 4, which tells you nothing, so let me lay it out: first semester is Units 1-5, second semester is Units 6-10, and third semester is like, half Units 11-15 and half our teachers throwing books and movies at us. I'm probably gong to be taking my first semester test in like, June. Which is terrifying.
My Chinese is roughly at an intermediate level. I mean, I can't talk politics with anyone, but I can damn well open a bank account or reserve a hotel room. (and for anyone who hasn't studied a language before, let me tell you: OMG THOSE LESSONS ARE SO BOOOOORING.)
I don't know when. Sometime in the next two weeks. Thus making the next two weeks kinda suck hardcore, but whatevs, I'M MOOOOOVING, and my good friend Heather is going to be my roommate, and WE ARE GETTING KITTIES.
In case you were wondering what the important part of my excitement is, I'll provide a quick visual reference.
and yeah okay living on my own again is going to be great TOO but let's face facts
I love Numb3rs. SO SO SO MUCH.
I love Charlie and Don and Colby and Megan and David and Alan and Amita and Liz and okay, even Nikki, and Charlie/Amita and Don/Robin and David/Colby (BECAUSE THEY ARE SO DATING EVEN IF IT'S JUST GUYLOVE), and really, I've tried to get over it but I can't. And none of the people on my flist love it like I do. And that makes me sadcakes.
I mean, just look at my favorite pairing, LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE
okay I'll be done. but for REAL i want them to get MARRIED and have adorable math genius BABIES with curly black HAIR and DIMPLES and Charlie's inability to be anything but CUTE and omg seriously i'm obsessed
Also, Don is made of hot. If you don't agree, I'll accept it and secretly pity you and your bad taste in men. ;P
- Torchwood
- Supernatural
- Psych (I own both seasons!)
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- (the idea of) Doctor Who (cos I don't actually have time to watch the damn thing)
- and OTHER STUFF TOO, but my life is basically entirely Chinese-ified at the moment so I don't have time to get properly into fandom, unfortunately.
Also, randomly, I have to run a PRT (Physical Readiness Test) on Wednesday, which just so happens to also be my birthday. Kinda lame, Navy. Kinda lame.