How did Meggington spend her weekend?

May 18, 2009 01:01

1.) Made dinner for my dad Friday night b/c his GF went to Florida.
2.) Caught up on 30 Rock.  Next to catch up on - Kings.
3.) Downloaded Heroes Season 1 and So NoTORIous.  Then proceeded to force father to watch So NoTORIous.  His first question was asking whether Zach Quinto was gay.  I lulled.
4.) Got Dominoes Bread Bowl pastas.  Can you say yum?
5 ( Read more... )

graduate school, summer, zachary quinto

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Comments 2

msofarc May 18 2009, 05:24:25 UTC
ROFL. I must join you in your city stalking.


squirrels_oh_no May 18 2009, 05:27:15 UTC
I'm just going to spend every Saturday/free day roaming for celebs with my camera and probably an I <3 NY t-shirt just to look like an evil tourist, lol. Even though I'm going to be living in South Orange.


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