well the advice on the hair: we have 2 to definitely cut, 2 to definitely not cut, and 1 "lets cut together because i've got the same dilemma". so all in all, i still have no idea
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Fun trip! I stayed in Kyushyu for about 2 months when I was 18, a small town in Saga-ken, tons of fun, great people there. Anyway, I was reading and when you mentioned a lady telling you the clouds come from "chugoku" I was like the kid in class whose arm might pop out of its socket if he reaches it it any higher-"ooh! Oohh! I know! pick me!"- the desertification affecting Inner Mongolia and China right now has caused HUGE dust storms which they call "the yellow sand." Its a yearly phenomenon and sounds absolutely god-awful, a huge swirling fog of grit that gets in your eyes, nose, mouth, home, car and pretty much everywhere else...including Japan. In spring, the yellow sand has a tendency to travel across the Sea of Japan and cloud the skies of southern portions of the Japanese and Ryukuu islands. Hehe. glad that knowledge came in handy somehow. Cheers, Ed (Hyogo JET)
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Ed (Hyogo JET)
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