Title: Lollipops or a Bag
squishygunsRating: PG
Pairing/Focus: Chibi!Jonghyun/Taemin
Warning: Ended weirdly lol.
Summary: Did Jonghyun come to give Taemin a bag or candy...?
Authors Note: I forgot to add; This is for my Jjong,
ryo_suzu ♥
“Hyung, what’s that in your hand?”. )
Comments 9
I don't know how comment this... because this is awesome!
I love it, really.
And... When you said to me "I'm going to write you a story" I was really happy!
I love your fanfics, baby ç_ç
And this is very cute omg omg omg ifohspgojdfopfhjèp
Usually, I eat lollipop every day, you know? Ahahaha!
Sorry If I can't make you happy when you're sad... But we're so, so, far... and I would like do more for you ç_ç...
So... Remember: Try to smile ALWAYS. And when you need something o you're just sad... COME AND TALK TO ME <3 ok?
Ti amo, piccola (I love you, baby)
P.s: your italian is cute ahahahah when you write something in italian, I smile ahaha <3
With love,
Ryo (Your Jjong) ♥.
You did make me better, you know. Sort of! After I wrote that I became happier. And the reason I wrote it is because of you, so indirectly you did make me happy again :">
I will! You're my Jjong after all right? ♥
WHAAAT. AHAHA. /hides in the corner/ I want to learn Italian now you know? ;w;
You're too sweet Ryo. Too sweet.
I love you<33
but jsyk, i put your fics there .___. .. just check it out. and if you don't like it, i'm willing to delete the post .__.b
and I joined it too hehehe.
having.. the biggest writers block/hiatus and I'm losing confidence in myself orz
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