So now that my jubilation over getting an A in physics is starting to give way to sleepy-feelings, I think I'll write about how tomorrow is the last day here at WVWC as a sophomore, and I really have mixed feelings about it.
I love living here. I love the people (well, most of them), and the place, and the air, and just the fact that you can do random stuff at night, and that you eat, sleep, and live with your friends -- it's cool.
But I also wanna ship out because I'm going to Ireland in about two weeks, and I can't wait. That's going to be a blast.
Next year, though... I'm going to be a junior in college. A farking junior... in college. It's insane to think about. And I will be taking the MCAT this August. Or whenever it is. Not something to worry about with 1 more final left, though.
It's just crazy to think about... how fast time
Josho ([info]sratava07) wrote,
@ 2005-04-27 12:26:00
Current mood: nostalgic
Current music:The Used - Yesterday's Feelings
All those feelings... those yesterday's feelings...
One year of college down (pretty much). I still remember it like it were yesterday... the white water rafting trip with a bunch of people I didn't know, and Tyler, and Tommy. Random conversations. I met most of the people I'm friends with now on that trip.
A whole year of memories. Arguments. Inside jokes. Trials. Tribulations. A crush. A torn kidney. The passing of a pet, my best friend. A breakup. Late night conversations. Late night antics. Movies in Hyma. Halo. Laughter at meals that you thought would kill you. More Halo. Crazy nicknames. Drunk pickup. Admiring the massive gait of a sasquatch. In no particular order, and a shortened list indeed.
I wouldn't trade any of my experiences this year for anything. I remember graduating from high school and being so nervous about college -- would I fail my classes, would I make friends? And now it's a place I call home, with a family of friends that I'm grateful to have. I hope all my friends from high school who have gone seperate directions can count themselves as lucky as I am.
*raises glass*
Well, this year, a lot of stuff has happened, too. A lot of truly wonderful stuff. Had some great laughs, made probably 1000000 more inside jokes. Met an amazing, fantastic girl. ...and there was some bad stuff, but oh well -- that's inevitable. Friendships faded and lost. Family problems. But not so much as to overwhelm the good things.
Having a Livejournal really lets you reflect on these things, too, and let's you see how you've changed -- or how you've endured. I've had my LJ for almost 4 years (come October), and I'm glad I've kept it for so long. Almost 4 years... damn...
I hope everyone finishes well with their finals, journies safely home, and enjoys their summer, wherever that may be and whatever they may be doing.
*raises a second glass*