And next, I promised a pic spam on Baby's birthday. MY OUR CUTE BABY IS NOT A BABY ANYMORE! :'D HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEUNG RI!
I've probably posted these before but I don't remember! SO WHATEVER! Not like you guys care, right? WAHAHAHHAHAHA. okay. /ridiculousness. *WARNING: PICTURE HEAVY!* I didnt bother to resize these pictures (photobucket resized pics bigger than 1024x768) DO NOT HOTLINK DO NOT HOTLINK DO NOT HOTLINK
we'll start off with one of my favorite pictures evvaarr,
WOO YEAH. WOOOOOOOOOO GO BABY. ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU! I hope you guys' brains are dripping out of your ears and your heart hasn't bursted out of your chest yet!
don't be surprised if any these are posted again for regular sriaday posts. I used a lot of pictures from my folder for this post D: