Jan 23, 2009 09:18

Here are the "generic" positions that your character can fill out - note that some of the functions for each position may vary from company to company, but as a general whole, whatever is found here follows in-game.

PLEASE NOTE THAT WHILE IT'S ENTIRELY POSSIBLE FOR ONE CHARACTER TO HAVE TWO POSITIONS IN A COMPANY, WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE IT. The only time we mods will be perfectly all right with it is if it's clear that the company in question is short on players and having a difficult time functioning in the story.

Read the descriptions carefully, guys.

Know what you're getting into. ^_^


There's no other way of saying it: the CEO is the "face" of the company, the public representation of what his group is all about. He plans and manages, directs and delegates, connects the dots between his company and everyone else. The people beneath him then work towards fulfilling his vision and making sure all of his ideas follow through.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • Players handling a CEO character are, in effect, mini-mods, if not mods themselves; they basically decide the direction of the story on their side of the fence.
  • May be tapped to assist the mods in minor backend stuff for the game.
  • Coordinate with the other CEOS, for great justice!
  • Plan events, plot lines and other story-related things.
  • Flesh out your company structure, or whatever the mods have not covered. You've got to fix your turf to fix your game, after all.


You know the hellafuckingannoying monster or person that you fight before you actually face the final boss in an RPG?

THAT is what the man or woman in this position is. Basically, you're the boss of all the heads of the respective departments, and you handle all the stuff that'll just waste your boss' time. When we say "big", we mean something that will adversely effect the status or life of the company (i.e. global economic crisis, company mutiny, a total company overhaul).

You're the overworked and underpaid dog of the company.

Enjoy. :3


  • Vice-CEO: for HUGE companies (Millefiore). Shares decisions with the CEO, and can has veto power! A vice-CEO may also have his or her own projects that don't need the authorization of his or her main man~
  • General Manager: for medium-sized or big companys (Vongola). No special conditions; does as described in the blurb and in the Game Functions & Expectations section.
  • Personal Assistant: For small companies (Varia). The resident Bitch Boy.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • In communication with everybody.
  • Aids CEO in directing the story on their side of the fence.
  • Where the CEO talks with other CEOS and mods, the vice-CEO talks with other players within the company.


This division is, by far, the most important division in the publishing industry - where the head honchos decide what they want, the head of Book Development puts everything into action and pitches the projects that will make this vision reality. The head plans out the company's products: the content, the book itself, and everything in between.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POSITION. Player needs to be active and present as much as possible!
  • Coordinate with all the players under you - the writers, the editors, the designers and so on - because you have a LOT of them and they're supposed to help you out.
  • Brainstorming! Come out with your ideas! Go wild!


Where Book Development puts out the meat of the company's titles, Production handles all the PHYSICAL aspects of the books themselves: the way they look, the way they're packaged, the size, the typesetting, the binding, the paper, the page number, the editions and so on. This division prints out the final product.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • Send your own bitch boys running! This division is just about as important as Book Development, and they have just about as many people as they do~
  • Produce the books themselves as much as possible for the other players. If you can't Photoshop or wheedle someone into doing it for you, at least announce the releases or keep players posted about how things are going in your department. Announce if you're done, if you're not, if you're alive and kicking or if you're drowning in paper. o_o


This head pushes and pimps the company product, makes sure all the titles generate money, determine the volume needed per title and coordinates with bookstores, making sure that the demands are met as much as possible.

In other words, everyone makes the shit. You make sure that the shit sells.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • Always in coordination with Production, Public Relations and Finance. Expect bitchfights.
  • Subject to the whims and woes of the mods, who run the bookstores in the game.
  • The first foot in with the recent trends, the seasons, the movements and so on. Reports on that aspect, we note, go straight to the Vice-CEO. This would mean that the head of this division is closer to the vice-CEO than usual.


Every company needs manpower, and all of that energy needs to be directed to all the right places.

...A company also needs someone to answer all of those annoying calls, deal with all of those annoying people-related things called emotions, and offer their shoulder or hand to whoever happens to need it, whether the problem involves a delayed paycheck or someone's dog dying.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • You're everybody's friend, parental figure, sibling and guidance counselor, and you've got a company to glue together like family. Even if it means socking a few ears.
  • Be available, and do note that you don't necessarily have to be nice! :3
  • Your division handles workforce management - in this case, your head is the one making sure that the current setup works (and changing it if it doesn't) and reading through the resumes of potential newcomers in order to figure out who to take in and where to place them.
  • Everyone goes to you for all of their people-related problems. Be prepared!


Every company needs to put up a good show for the public, and to create a positive, clean image at all costs - a company also needs someone who can fire up the media, pulling all the right strings and hosting all the right events to get their books out on the shelves and off, into the hands of very generous, moneyed readers.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • Coordinates closely with Marketing, Advertising & Sales - they sort of have to, as somebody needs to pimp those products out to the general public.
  • You're the first line of defense whenever the company comes under fire for anything, and even WHEN all is well, you're still expected to do your job and make everyone in town love you and the company you represent.
  • Make sure the ideas of your sister division follow through. Sweep all the dirty laundry and dust under the rug. Keep things clean, even if they might not be very clean at all~!


As much as every company would love to publish as much as they could and as much as every CEO wants a bathroom as big as a baseball field in their office, money makes the world go 'round and it's the Chief Accountant's job to make sure that there's enough of it for everyone. It's a thankless job, this penny-pinching business, but somebody's gotta do it.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POSITION. Player needs to be active and present as much as possible!
  • Anything that involves funding goes through your first, and be prepared to face a lot of other irate division heads when they come running to you, asking why you can't replace their water dispenser now, now, now.
  • Keep everyone posted with reports on how much money you've got and how much you can spare - you can be as extravagant or as miserly as you want, but do note that your actions have a direct bearing on the company. Us mods can also opt to kick you around. |D


Every business needs to stay clean, or at least LOOK like they're doing everything properly. Every lawyer, on the other hand, needs to practice SOMEWHERE if they want to foot all their bills and still live it up as much as they can. Your relationship with the company of your choice, then, as legal counsel, is a mutual one. Scratch their back, and they'll scratch yours in return, with a big, fat paycheck.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • Where Public Relations fail in sticky situations, you step in, with your smooth talk and your briefcase full of incriminating papers.
  • This position is not as high-maintenance as the others, but you are expected to float around and keep up appearances. You're going to be predictably rather close to the CEO and vice-CEO, given what you do for the company.
  • Please note that maybe a LITTLE research, or at least some familiarity with legal stuff (even if your source is Phoenix Wright!) might be required for this position. We'll try and keep things as simple as possible, but be prepared, just in case.


While everyone else is out making the money, putting up the books, fighting off zombies people and catering to the stores and the investors, you're the one who stays behind and makes sure that they've got a building to come home to. All matters pertaining to cleanliness, sanitation and supplies go through you.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POSITION. Player needs to be active and present as much as possible!
  • Subject to the whims and woes of the mods, as they're going to have a lot of fun making random stuff go missing or breaking things that shouldn't break down so quickly~
  • Keep people up-to-date with what you're doing, especially if you want to generate scandal within your office. Because scandal usually means someone sleeping with someone, and that's always fun to talk about. |D


Beyond being the pseudo-sister division of Production, the head of this department is in charge of overseeing the company network, and all of the computers and computer-related equipment in the whole building. This is yet another thankless job, and a very harassing one since a surprising number of people in the industry still believe that the DVD drive is a coffee cup holder.

...At least you get to read incriminating exchanges on the network in your free time.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • In coordination a lot with Production, since their machines need your computers to keep things smooth and operational.
  • Subject to the whims and woes of the mods, as they're going to have a lot of fun breaking things that shouldn't break down so quickly~
  • Please note that maybe a LITTLE research, or at least some familiarity with computer stuff might be required for this position. We'll try and keep things as simple as possible, but be prepared, just in case.


Where Procurement & Maintenance fights off dust and IT & Technical Support gets rid of all the viruses (and spies) on the network, Security makes sure that the thieves stay out, the curious stay curious and everyone behaves. Or else.

Game Functions and Expectations

  • Handle all matters pertaining to safety and intelligence for the company and its members, most especially the heads of divisions, the vice-CEO and the CEO himself.
  • You get the final say on issues like encryption for the network, and bodyguard detail for people who happen to need it. In this sense, you do have a little bit of veto power in your area.
  • Subject to the whims and woes of the mods~

For those of you who are outside of the corporate ladder, your character can be any one of the following:

  • Writer (Book Development, IT & Technical Support, Marketing, Advertising & Sales)
  • Editor (Book Development)
  • Mechanic (Production)
  • Artist/Designer (Book Development)
  • Translator (Book Development)
  • Critic (Book Development)
  • Agents (Book Development, Marketing, Advertising & Sales)
  • Janitor (Procurement & Maintenance)
  • Delivery Boy/Delivery Girl (Procurement & Maintenance)
  • Accountant (Finance)
  • Archivist (Book Development, Procurement & Maintenance)
  • Content Manager/Blogger (IT & Technical Support)
  • Engineer (Production)
  • Security Guard (Security)
  • Hacker (Security)
  • Plainsclothes operative (Security)
  • Bodyguard (Security)
  • Events manager (Public Relations)
  • Researcher (Book Development)
  • Plumber (Procurement & Maintenance)
  • Electrician (Procurement & Maintenance, Production)
  • Cook (Procurement & Maintenance)
  • Mechanic (Production)
  • Quality checker (Production, Book Development)
  • Investor

If you have any suggestions for a company position or a minor job, please let Kae!mod know immediately~ ♥

* game

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