The mission "Shrike and Falcon" was completed successfully, but not without losses.
Mission Summary
The participants in this mission were:
Anew Returner
Arado Balanga
Kati Mannequin
Klan Klang
Lamia Loveless
Lyle Dylandy
Ryusei Date
Seolla Schweitzer
Setsuna F. Seiei
The spy within the A-LAWS defectors, an Innovator named Revive Revival, struck suddenly, destroying parts of Independence-1's systems with planted explosives and activating an Innovator sleeper agent - Celestial Being's Anew Returner. The two Innovators attempted to use the distraction to steal 00 Gundam and the 0-Riser, but were stopped by a very angry Klan Klang (who had been ejected into space by some of the explosives) and a very well-thought out security feature in 0-Riser.
During the attempt to retrieve 0-Riser and the two culprits, the now-defenseless Independence-1 came under attack by a Neo-DC probe force led by Archibald Grims and Seolla Schweitzer, the latter once again piloting the stolen Wildfalken. Those GDF forces that could sortie from the damaged hangars valiantly defended the base, though Arado (sortieing in an outdated Flag) was quickly disabled by Archibald. He was saved by an emergency sortie of the experimental Wildwurger, a close-range mech built to his...unique style, which allowed the team to all successfully fight back against the Neo-DC assault, and Arado to engage his brainwashed partner on equal fighting terms.
While this was going on, the Innovators and their ally Ali al-Saachez returned to the field in Innovator-use mobile suits, still trying to attack Independence-1 and destroy 00 Gundam. Anew and Lyle engaged in a fierce duel while Ali and Revive attempted to assist the Neo-DC forces. In the end, the Neo-DC and A-LAWS forces were defeated, but Setsuna was forced to destroy Anew's Gaddess to save Lyle. At this point, the field of battle was filled with a high concentration of GN particles, causing a phenomenon that apparently allowed peoples' minds to communicate, which allowed Lyle and Anew to say their goodbyes, and for Arado to break the mental conditioning that had turned Seolla into a tool of the NDC.
Mission Log
The complete mission log can be downloaded
Further notes
-Widespread but fortunately non-critical damage was done to Independence-1 from without and within. Technicians are working around the clock to bring the hangars and base defenses back to full operational capacity.
-Arado Balanga has been assigned as the pilot of the Wildwurger.
-Seolla Schweitzer surrendered along with her Wildfalken, and is currently being held in custody.
-Lamia captured a lightly-used Barrelion that's now available for...whatever.
-Anew Returner was killed in action after apparently defecting.