Mission "1.8 Million Evil Quotient" COMPLETE

Aug 23, 2010 19:57

The mission "1.8 Million Evil Quotient" was a success!

Mission Summary
The participants in this mission were:
Kazuki Yotsuga
Lockon Stratos
Prinny Squad
Subaru Nakajima
Tieria Erde

The GDF Tower was confronted by a Netherworld demon, who introduced himself as Overlord Mao. Appearing to have something of a mecha obsession, he demanded all of the GDF's mechs, which inevitably led to hostilities. Mao revealed his own creation, the Super Overlord Gundam Z, which appeared to be an amalgamation of GDF technology, along with a number of smaller mobile suits piloted by zombies.

Mao disengaged, though, when the Rara Army attacked. They hit Tokyo with their biggest force yet, led by an incredibly powerful machine being piloted by a brainwashed girl that Kazuki met while in captivity. Kazuki took a blow for Subaru, which destroyed the Hartzenen.

However, once Kazuki stopped responding, the new mech Zinv emerged from beneath the GDF Tower of its own volition, extracting Kazuki from the Hartzenen. With the new mech, Kazuki defeated Rara's powerful weapon, safely removing the girl from within. Burning with otaku determination after seeing the upgrade, Mao combined his mech with several Zombie Gundams, only to be quickly pulverized by the GDF.

Mission Log
The complete mission log can be downloaded here.

Further Notes
The Hartzenen will be repaired within two weeks; however, Kazuki will be piloting the Zinv from now on. The mech is available to other pilots, but aside from Kazuki, it can only be operated by women.

dual parallel trouble adventure, disgaea, mission debriefing

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