1. [Samus is, as usual, in the Arboretum. However, she seems to be... not meditating, but rather reading. She has a couple laptops in front of her as she sits crosslegged on the ground. Judging from the images and detailed diagrams, one of them seems to be full of information on various Earth lifeforms (she seems to be paying attention to a few
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Hey, what do you have there, little missy? [... maybe we shouldn't take social cues from mister Stratos.]
Characteristics of an order of animals known as Stomatopoda, currently.
[Thankfully, she does not seem to particularly care about the little missy thing. That said, though... "little missy", Setsuna? Really? She has like 35cm on you at least!]
[Setsuna's now looking at these images with interest.] ... This is a mantis shrimp. [Obvious statement is obvious.] Why are you researching this?
This tells me much about the animal and those who analyzed it at the same time. And Earth arthropodes are interesting.
What is life like in your own galaxy? ['in comparison to ours' is left unsaid.]
It would take longer than that, as there seem to be fewer life-supporting planets in this galaxy. [She seems about to just cut it there, but after a momentary pause she seems to think that could work as a way to summarize the scale]
In fact, if you want an answer, take that one. Humans in this galaxy seem to have trouble with nonhuman sentient beings. In mine, the ninety five known sentient species have formed a Galactic Federation.
I wanted to compare civilizations, to see if it was possible for true understanding to happen between different species. That ninety-five of them have joined together under a single banner gives me hope that the humans here can unite together as well.
Of the ninety five species known, sixty three are currently members. Some were but decided to leave. Some never joined. And some [she frowns in a deathly look] were refused vote until they were willing to lay down arms against the other members, and refuse to this day.
...Though it seems that even in other universes, conflict will exist.
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