Mission 117: "I Said I'm Gonna Pilot That Thing!"

Sep 29, 2012 20:18

Shaun 6:46 pm
It seems that there is a reunion of sorts this morning as it dawns on everyone. There is nothing really going on in the early hours of the morning this fine September day. What is everyone doing?

HyprKnux 1 6:47 pm
It's too early, Gen's gonna go pass out somewhere for the moment.

EricOverbringer 6:47 pm
Kamina is sharing tales of what he was doing during his absense
with anyone who will listen.
The stories are very exciting and probably largely nonsense

VJockey 6:48 pm
Vlaska's probably napping on the closest, warmest surface. Probably Gentarou's face.

Liz Corto 6:48 pm
Guess who has the sleeping habits of a teenage boy? If you guessed Hoshi, youre right. The sheets are sprawled out, the pillow somehow ending up on top of her face and her mouth open and...snoring.

Tenebrae Luna 6:48 pm
Seymour is having a five star breakfeast while reading a business headline.

Alan Bunting 6:48 pm
Simon's with Kamina. It's not like he's got much else to do now, but stories are always great to listen to.

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 6:48 pm
resnick is practicing his violin somewhere out of the way and glaring daggers at anyone who looks
(He gets up at like 6 AM every day)
overmanzs1 has been invited.
6:49 pm
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has entered the room.
6:49 pm

frifreeman 6:49 pm
Tron is preparing the servbot for scouting mission

frifreeman 6:50 pm
Tron:"Alright boys, there must be something in this island. We're gonna comb this island without missing a single strand of hair!"
Servbots: Aye-aye, captain!

Shaun 6:50 pm
So it just seems like a normal day. But there's a little hitch to this plan. You see, the day before the people of Litner had kind of pissed off a group of Gunmen once before. They were always here once in a while, shaking up the place, beating up people or getting beat up and leaving.

Liz Corto 6:50 pm
"...om nom nom... I couldn't eat another bite, Mr. Snufflelumpagus... you can have... the last cake--" Hoshi muttered in her sleep. Thank God you missed this, Terui.

Overman Zappa 6:51 pm
Mio's tending to her sword before the fight that's sure to come. Even with her gun handy she's sure to use it

Shaun 6:51 pm
So it's with an unceremonious smash, the ground shook. Those who were still down below would see the impacts as two Gunmen slammed into the ground, bellowing war cries!
Dan: Guys, we've got trouble, as usual. Someone go down there and pick off those Gunmen, we're too early for this!

frifreeman 6:52 pm
Servbots: Oh no! Earthquake!

EricOverbringer 6:52 pm
Kamina: "Those guys again, huh?"

HyprKnux 1 6:52 pm
Gen: "Huh-what?!" And Gen's quick to scramble up... and catching Vlaska on his way up.

frifreeman 6:52 pm
Tron: No it's not. Everyone, get into your vehicle!

Alan Bunting 6:52 pm
Simon reacts right away as the earthquake starts. "Wah... this isn't good...! Is it those guys again!?"

Shaun 6:53 pm
Enemy Gunmen: http://i47.tinypic.com/2afbhvp.jpg

EricOverbringer 6:53 pm
He's watching them with his arms folded and an unimpressed look on his face
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has left the room.
6:53 pm

EricOverbringer 6:53 pm
(Or possibly in that pose)

VJockey 6:53 pm
Vlaska: [Yowls in surprise, but otherwise just being held by Gen as the Rider gets moving.]

Liz Corto 6:53 pm
"...huh? Who made things noisy?" Hoshi yawned and scrambles to get ready. Her hair and face would have to wait, so she just pulls on a hoodie annd a pair of sweatpants before running her way.

frifreeman 6:53 pm
Servbot: That robot has a face

Tenebrae Luna 6:53 pm
Seymour finishes his breakfeast, wipes his lips clean, and nods to his butlers. "Tell the cheifs it was delicious." He then leaps over board and summons his dragon to ride into battle, leaving his butlers to clean up.

Shaun 6:53 pm
Down below, it seems like business as usual for the people of Litner as a sort of feminine man palms his face and sighs.

HyprKnux 1 6:54 pm
And Gen's on his way, cat in one hand, Fourze Driver in the other.

frifreeman 6:54 pm
Tron: of course it do. If not, how can a robot see?

Liz Corto 6:54 pm
Hoshi's gonna run in the path Gen's in! "Hey, Gen, what's goin' on?"

Shaun 6:54 pm
Leeron: Well well, they seem in a awful mood today. Did you boys do something wild last night without telling us?

HyprKnux 1 6:54 pm
Gen: "Something's going on up on the surface!
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has entered the room.
6:54 pm
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (taoofcrime) has left the room.
6:55 pm

Shaun 6:55 pm
Dan: I think you guys need to get up here. And fast.

Liz Corto 6:55 pm
"Oh... That's why things were noisy."

Shaun 6:55 pm
Indeed, the two Gunmen were slamming the ground, stomping their feet angrily.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (taoofcrime) has entered the room.
6:55 pm

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 6:55 pm
Resnick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCmrp38KjYg
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (taoofcrime) has left the room.
6:55 pm

Shaun 6:55 pm
Pilot 1: Come on out, and face us humans!

EricOverbringer 6:55 pm
"I can't be expected to keep track of every person I piss off."

Shaun 6:55 pm
Pilot 2: Yeah, come on our and get killed!
frifreeman has left the room.
6:55 pm

Shaun 6:56 pm
Leeron: Well that's to be expected. Maybe you should go say hello~

HyprKnux 1 6:56 pm
And it takes awhile, but Gen's finally up on the surface... still in his boxers.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (taoofcrime) has entered the room.
6:56 pm

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 6:56 pm
resnick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCmrp38KjYg

Alan Bunting 6:56 pm
Simon: "Bro, maybe we should use that thing from before! I'm thinking we might need it...!"

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 6:56 pm
[did I miss anything?]

Shaun 6:56 pm
Leeron: Oh that, I got it all spick and span for you!

Liz Corto 6:57 pm
Hoshi then quickly throws Gen her shirt and her hoodie. At least it was warm here.

Shaun 6:57 pm
And with a flourish he pointed at Lagann

EricOverbringer 6:57 pm
Kamina: "Good idea, Simon, go get it!"

Shaun 6:57 pm
While this is all going on, Tron, since you came here with a mission there's a rapid fire pinging on your detection systems.
It seems that there is a large object directly below the town, something valuable, and putting out some serious energy.
frifreeman has been invited.
6:57 pm
frifreeman has entered the room.
6:58 pm

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 6:58 pm
Resnick: [His heavy mech pads at top speed towards the seismic disturbances] Picking up two, very odd looking enemy mechs. [He transmits an image of the gunmen to the rest of the Chalice] Can everyone see that?

HyprKnux 1 6:58 pm
Gen: "Bluh...!" He ends up pulling off the items and blinks* "...oh"

VJockey 6:58 pm
Vlaska:... [Meows annoyedly. Stupid things. Interrupting his nap. Vlaska's going to claw their faces off and use them as litter!... No pun intended.]

Liz Corto 6:58 pm
Hoshi: "...Yeah." Awkward whistling.

Shaun 6:58 pm
The Gunmen decide that now is the time to take revenge for their humiliation last evening, and they stomp towards the town, ready to smash it into bits.

frifreeman 6:58 pm
Tron climbs into a red humanoid robot with wings for arms that she prepared for aerieal scouting mission today, while the servbots take off in their mini fishlike drache

Shaun 6:59 pm
Enemy Lineup: 2 Gunmen, 1 Boss Gunmen
Initiative: Gentarou, Kamina, Vlaska, Hoshi, Seymour, Simon, Resnick, Tron
[Gentarou, Kamina, Vlaska]

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:00 pm
Resnick: They are like...giant masks with legs.

EricOverbringer 7:00 pm
*Kamina, having no mech of his own, hops on top of Lagann. "C'mon Simon! We're not gonna accomplish anything back here! Get in the middle of 'em and the Brigade'll raise some serious mayhem!"

Alan Bunting 7:00 pm
And Simon runs down into Litner to find and board Lagann; luckily, it's not far, and Simon launches without issue, appearing at the entrance of Litner, just in time for Kamina to catch a ride. "Got it, Bro! Let's do it!"

HyprKnux 1 7:01 pm
Quickly throwing on the clothes, Gen slaps on the Fourze Driver, flips the switches, starts the countdown... "HENSHIN!" ...transforms and... "UCHUU KITAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Charging forward, Gen, flips the Rocket Switch once more. "Alright, let's settle this man to man!" *With that, he thrusts forward, going for a flying kick. "ROCKET RIDER KIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!"+

Shaun 7:02 pm
[Gen] Going for a direct kick already proves to be a surprise, but the Beastmen are also pretty good at what they do, for once. The first one intercepts you, taking a swipe at your tiny flying body. "Hey, when did the humans get power armor?!"

Shaun 7:03 pm
[Kamina] Taunting draws the ire of the other beastmen, particularly a Gunmen who was also lining up a shot. This is a big one, with spindly red arms and a big ferocious face.

HyprKnux 1 7:03 pm
Gen: "WOAH!" *And Gen's going to try to boost away from that swipe!+ "Hey, I'm a Kamen Rider, not a Power Armor!"

Shaun 7:03 pm
Boss Gunmen: http://images.wikia.com/gurennlagann/images/1/1e/Vlcsnap-00010.jpg

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:03 pm

Shaun 7:04 pm
"Don't care, your name is mud!" And it narrowly clips Gen, sending him spiralling towards the dirt.

EricOverbringer 7:04 pm
Kamina: "Woah! I like that one's face."

VJockey 7:04 pm
Vlaska: [Had gotten into the Slava, the cockpit closing and the systems coming to life. A crackling snarl emanated from its speakers as the machine soon charged at one of the lesser Gunmen, Claws ready!] VLASKA. SMASH. BIG. FACE! *The Slava pulls back one of its fists... and throws it forward to unleash a Burst Knuckle Punch!+

Shaun 7:05 pm
[Vlaska] Taken by surprise, the second lesser Gunman met it head on, pushed backwards and digging large furrows into the earth the Burst Knuckle explodes against its metallic hide! But with a slam of a massive fist, it knocks Slava upside the head and tries to push it into the mountain! [React]

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:05 pm
Resnick: Have lock! [And a flight of LRMs bloom from Prowler's shoulder pods and, if succesfull, will be deftly crammed into the boss gunman's mouth like the world's biggest GENTLEMEN macro before exploding]

Shaun 7:05 pm
[Hoshi, Seymour, Simon]

EricOverbringer 7:06 pm
Kamina: "Alright, I've decided."
"I'm gonna take that big red one!"

Liz Corto 7:06 pm
*Hoshi pulled out her Vitadriver and scanned The Star card before her fists bunched at her sides. "HENSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" As the phoenix shot up from the floor and wrapped around her before a powerful fire blast
targets one of the Gunmen!+

Alan Bunting 7:06 pm
Simon: "You... you're going to take it?"

HyprKnux 1 7:06 pm
Gen: "WOAH!" And Fourze comically hits the ground, head first.

Shaun 7:06 pm
[Resnik/Kamina] The problem with being fired on like that, is that these Gunmen move pretty flexible. And the opponent ducks his head and it explodes against the rock, sending up a shower of damage that peppers everything on the field for cosmetic damage.

EricOverbringer 7:07 pm
"That's right! Get me closer!"

Shaun 7:07 pm
[Hoshi] The fire scorches the Gunmen shoulder as it returns by grabbing a rock and throwing it at her! [React]
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has left the room.
7:07 pm

VJockey 7:07 pm
Vlaska: *the Cat yowls angrily, swinging the Slava's other arm to tear at the Gunmen and possibly knock it over!+

Shaun 7:08 pm
Pilot 1: you stupid humans, this is for all the suffering you gave to us!

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:08 pm
Resnick: Hold still, freebirth. You in the red mech, can you hear me?

EricOverbringer 7:08 pm
((Who is Resnick addressing there?))

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:08 pm
simon and kamina

Tenebrae Luna 7:08 pm
Seymour sends his dragon in to strike at one of the Gunmen. It lashes out at it with fangs and claws while using its' tail to knock away the other Gunmen. It tries to use its' claws to dig into the Gunmen.+

HyprKnux 1 7:09 pm
Gen: "Us?" And he finally pulls himself out of the dirt? "I know I didn't do anything!"

Shaun 7:09 pm
[Vlaska] It's a wrestling match Slava! Make a strength check, no I kid. Surprisingly, the Gunmen rolls onto its back, throwing Slava over it's head! It's a SUPLEX! [React]

Alan Bunting 7:09 pm
*"O-okay, bro! Hold on tight...!" Simon brings Lagann in at what passes for top speed; hopefully Kamina's being careful, because it's not a comfy ride. It's not long before he gets close to the Gunmen his bro's looking at! "How are you gonna pull this off, bro...?"

Shaun 7:09 pm
Boss Gunmen: You wish, human!

Liz Corto 7:09 pm
"Up!" called Hoshi as her cape shifted into a pair of wings to launch her up as she kicked off the rock to soar high in to the air!

Alan Bunting 7:09 pm
Simon: "Red mech? You mean me?"

Shaun 7:09 pm
[Hoshi] That's easy to avoid, and the rock crashes down, narrowly missing Leeron. The effminate man scrambles for protection.

EricOverbringer 7:09 pm
Kamina totally ignores Resnick, "Well, how'd you get Lagann to work?"

Shaun 7:10 pm
[Resnick, Tron, Litner NPCs]
Litner NPC: hey, move away from the entrance of the canyon!

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:11 pm
Resnick: Yes you. We are from the White Chalice. What are those things?

Alan Bunting 7:11 pm
Simon: "I... got in and put that drill in it? I don't know."

Shaun 7:11 pm
And with that, he triggers the explosives that were laying in wait, showering the battlefield in stone! [Simon/Kamina, Hoshi, Gen, Tron React.]

VJockey 7:11 pm
Vlaska: "Vlaska. Not. Human. You. STUPIDS! But. you. no. Friends. of. Vlaska's!" *The Slava's arms swung to the ground and - DOUBLE BURST KNUCKLE PUNCH! The blast would probably send the Slava into the air, where he would try to maneuver and land on the Slava's feet - while possibly filling the Gunmen's view with dust while knocking it over!+

frifreeman 7:11 pm
Tron: Hah, these guys barely worth our attention. Let's finish them so I can continue my scouting

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:12 pm
Resnic: [He lines up another shot against the boss gunman, this time with the large pulse laser, which is better for fast moving targets. The heat meter goes from zero to about 15%...]

Shaun 7:12 pm
Tron your scans show that there is indeed a huge cavern underneath Litner. It seems Tessel's info was on the dot.

EricOverbringer 7:12 pm
"Sounds like it was easy, then. I'll just figure it out as I go! I won't fail with Fighting Spirit!"

Alan Bunting 7:12 pm
Simon: [to Resnick] "Oh, White Chalice! Um, these are called Gunmen, I think. They're piloted by other creatures, though. They... don't seem very smart, either."

Shaun 7:13 pm
[Resnick] The Boss Gunman dodged out of the way, pitching more rocks at Resnick, one of them exploding and showering the area with stone! [React]

HyprKnux 1 7:13 pm
Gen: "Uh-oh... everyone's in trouble!" *With that, Gen flips the Drill Switch and takes off into the sky, attempting to pull off Drill Kicks to destroy the showering rocks+

frifreeman 7:13 pm
Tron: There is indeed a huge cavern beneath Litner!

Shaun 7:13 pm
[Vlaska] Definitely a good move there. It pitches the Gunmen over onto its back as its view is filled with dust. It thrashes and the Beastman is swearing inside it.

frifreeman 7:13 pm
Tron: Get out of the way you silly thing, so I can get there!

Shaun 7:14 pm
Litner NPC: That's the old town!

frifreeman 7:14 pm
Tron do some passes above a ganmen and strafes it with her vulcan

Shaun 7:14 pm
It is at about this time, that while the battle seems a weirdly one-sided and chaotic, than a laugh is heard above as a familiar mecha zooms into view and a familiar head pops out of it.
[Tron] Your damage peppers the Gunmen, riddling it with holes. It tries to swipe at you. [React]
Glyde: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100205183517/megaman/images/a/a5/Glyde.jpg
Glyde: Ohohohohohohoho my my my~

frifreeman 7:15 pm
Servbot copilot: It's swiping at us
Tron: Do a barrel roll!

Shaun 7:15 pm
What kind of thing are we dealing with today, madam~?

frifreeman 7:16 pm
And indee Fokke wulf is doing a barrel roll

Shaun 7:16 pm
[Tron] Barrel roll? Yes please. It rolls away from the damage, scott free.

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:16 pm
Resnick: [He jumps backwards, away from the rock, which still scrapes his armor] I see. It is moving too fast to hit at this distance. But if you give me a feed from your mech I can give you some fire support.

frifreeman 7:16 pm
Tron:What? GLYDE? What the heck are you doing here?

Liz Corto 7:16 pm
"Oh, hell no--" Hoshi will scan The Wheel of Fortune card and... be granted another weapon? ...Well, okay. She'll just pretend to play dodge all the soccer balls at once, then!

Shaun 7:16 pm
Glyde: I came to check up on the debt you and your brothers owe me, and what do I find? No progress whatsoever. Tisk tsik~
[Resnick] Definitely avoided that. It's like you've maneuvered before.
Glyde: I am afraid that I will have to give everyone here more incentive to pay back the debt that you owe.
Glyde: Something... like this~!
That is when you feel the ground beginning to shake.

VJockey 7:18 pm
Vlaska: [Attempts to open communications to the Gunmen he just knocked over. What does he do? Hiss at the camera and make clawing motions. Probably the feline equivalent of 'Imma gonna getcha' and 'PREPARE FOR IMMINENT DESTRUCTION']

EricOverbringer 7:18 pm
Kamina: "Who the hell is this clown?"

frifreeman 7:18 pm
Tron: A massive weirdo

Shaun 7:18 pm
From the ground, a massive head pokes its way out of the ground, snapping jaws of metal and rock everywhere!

Shaun 7:18 pm
Nakel: http://www.legends-station.com/motb/reaverbots/bodynakel.png

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:19 pm
Resnick: Stravag! And what is that then?!

Shaun 7:19 pm
And not just one of them, but at least five others burst their way out of the ground, thrashing their way free of the rock surrounding the island town.
Updated Enemy List: Gunmen x2, Boss Gunmen x1, Nakel x6, Glyde

frifreeman 7:19 pm
Tron: It's... It's a reaverbot!

HyprKnux 1 7:20 pm
Gen: "Oh, boy..."

Alan Bunting 7:20 pm
The Lagann stumbles as the ground shakes again. "We're in trouble here, bro...!"

Shaun 7:20 pm
[Gentarou, Kamina, Vlaska]
Rafale: http://www.legends-station.com/motb/machines/fullrafale.png
Glyde decides now is the time to return into his mecha, the Rafale, and he strafes the ground, peppering the whole area with explosive missiles! [Everyone react]

EricOverbringer 7:21 pm
Kamina: "Just keep a cool head, Simon! A man never gives in to panic! Now get in there!"
Paul M. Robles (Herc061881) has entered the room.
7:21 pm

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:21 pm
[A new challenger has appeared!]

HyprKnux 1 7:22 pm
Gen: "Oy, oy! There's CIVILIANS down there! You...!" *With that, Gen starts to bob and weave past the missiles, intending on delivering a Drill Kick to Glyde's machine+

EricOverbringer 7:22 pm
*When he judges the moment right, he jumps off the frantically dodging Lagann and lands on the Red Gunmen's face!&

Alan Bunting 7:22 pm
*"If you say so...!" And Simon lets out a roar as he makes Lagann start running through the explosions as well as able! Hopefully Kamina makes it...!+

VJockey 7:22 pm
Vlaska: *The Slava was weathering the missiles, probably getting blasted up pretty badly but, the cat was preparing for something... that being pouncing at the Rafale, claws sheathed with green energy! It wasn't a bird, but Vlaska was gonna CATCH IT!+

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:22 pm
Resnick: [He takes a few missiles intended for a civilian structure, staggering as they pockmark his mech's torso]

Liz Corto 7:23 pm
"Shit..." Hoshi muttered under her breath and quickly scanned The High Priestess card as she swooped down during the transformation to try to evacuate as many people as possible through the ray.

Shaun 7:23 pm
[Gen] The attack shears into Glyde's armor but the machine returns fire, generating a blast of orbs and throwing you backwards! [React]
[Kamina] You totally nail that leap, as the Gunman is taken off guard and lands on his back from the missile barrage.

EricOverbringer 7:24 pm
Having not thought any further ahead than this, Kamina starts banging on the hatch of the Gunmen! "Open up in there you bastard! I'm making this gunmen mine!"+

Shaun 7:24 pm
[Vlaska] The Rafale dodged out of the way, firing a salvo of lasers to catch Slava across the chest! [React]

HyprKnux 1 7:25 pm
Gen: "Oh, c'mon!" *And Gen's gonna hafta start dodging and make sure he doesn't eat dirt again!+

Shaun 7:25 pm
[Resnick] Yeah, those hurt, as alarms go off. Seems like some of them are tipped with some serious firepower as a couple of systems blink on and off.
[Hoshi] Your efforts shield a few people, but another few others are knocked head over heels.

Shaun 7:26 pm
[Gen] You narrowly dodge that but now Rafale is well away from your reach for now.

frifreeman 7:26 pm
Fokker-wulf flies at full speed near ground, hoping to use the rocks as shields

HyprKnux 1 7:26 pm
Gen: "Mmmph!"

Alan Bunting 7:26 pm
Simon: "Bro, I'm gonna leave that to you! I want to try and protect Litner, since they've been helping us for so long!"

Shaun 7:26 pm
[Kamina] The relentless pounding on its cockpit forces the doors open, and a terrified looking Beastman is sitting there looking like he wet himself.

EricOverbringer 7:26 pm
"Huh, it worked."

Tenebrae Luna 7:26 pm
Seymour looks at Kamina for a beat. "That is quite a crude way to obtain anything."

EricOverbringer 7:27 pm
"Alright you!" He points his sword at the beastman! "Out!"

frifreeman 7:27 pm
Tron: What do you want Glyde?

Shaun 7:27 pm
[Tron] The missiles slam into the ground, rocking Fokker-wulf a little, throwing it around to the side.
Glyde: Oh nothing much, just call this a little motivation.

EricOverbringer 7:27 pm
He spares a second to flash Simon a thumbs up.

Shaun 7:27 pm
Scared spitless, the beastman leaped out of its cockpit and ran for cover.

VJockey 7:28 pm
Vlaska: *Super style block! The Slava curls up in mid air so that the beam-absorption capabilities of the bessmertnogo lining in it can be used at its fullest potential!+

Shaun 7:28 pm
[Hoshi, Simon]

EricOverbringer 7:28 pm
Kamina hops in and takes his seat at the bizarrely simple controls. "Okay, let's get this thing moving. Kamina's your boss now!"

Shaun 7:29 pm
[Vlaska] Your efforts is a surprise to Glyde as he is plowed out of the air and thrown backwards. But then, a Nakel slams into you, throwing you into the side of the mountain!

Liz Corto 7:29 pm
( Enemy count again? )

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:29 pm
[can we get an enemy list?]

Shaun 7:29 pm
[Kamina] Sorry Kamina, your efforts are denied. There's a error warning shooting up and the whole cockpit turns red.

Liz Corto 7:29 pm
( jinx, you owe me a soda. )

frifreeman 7:29 pm
Tron: Listen, we're working on the debt, really! We're getting some good lead this time

EricOverbringer 7:29 pm
Kamina: "What!? Come on Kamina, is this the best you can do!?"

Shaun 7:29 pm
[Gunmen x2, Nakel x6, Glyde (Rafael)]

VJockey 7:30 pm
Vlaska: [Yowls at the crash.... still. Not as bad as almost drowning in the ocean!]

Shaun 7:30 pm
[Kamina] Error. Error.
Glyde: Sorry, excuses aren't good this time. Nakel?
[Tron] And a Nakel charges at her, spitting balls of energy! [React]

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:30 pm
Resnick: [He lines up another shot on the Rafale...This time he won't shoot early (hur hur) but wait until everything aligns, before unleashing with the LRMs and LPLAS]

Shaun 7:31 pm
[Resnick] Funny thing about that, the Reaverbot seems to be loyal to him as one of the Nakel interposes itself between it and the weapon fire! It takes it like a champ -- and its head explodes, downing it in a shot.

Liz Corto 7:32 pm
*Once Hoshi was sure that she got the civilians out, she skidded on the ground to brake herself before kicking back up to the air and flying over to the Gunmen.
She appears to the untrained eye as a blur as she takes her swords and aims a few strikes at one of the Gunman, each of them leaving an after image of where she was before!+

Alan Bunting 7:32 pm
*Seeing Kamina's gotten hold of the Gunmen, Simon lets out a breath... and then the mecha he's stolen doesn't respond. "Come on, bro...! I can't take these guys by myself!" But he's sure gonna try, working at keeping the Gunmen, and the Nakel for that matter, away from Kamina. He's not putting a whole lot of effort into attacking just yet.+

Shaun 7:32 pm
[Hoshi] Striking the Gunman brought its attention to her, as it swipes ineffectively!

frifreeman 7:32 pm
Servbot: Miss troon! Watch out!

Shaun 7:32 pm
Pilot 1: They killed the captain!
Pilot 2: you'll pay for that, humans!
Captain: You idiots I'm right here! OW! [Captain suffers a broken foot]

frifreeman 7:33 pm
And in a parallel situation, a servbot fly itself between the nakel and Fokker-wulf, catching the energy ball with its drache

Shaun 7:33 pm
[Simon] 2 Nakels turn their attention towards Simon, and it spits a volley of energy spheres before the pair ducks into the ground. [React]
[Tron] Servbot tanks it like a champ, although the effort knocks it silly. [Servbot down, count 5]

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:34 pm
Resnick: [to beastmen:] We have not killed him. Yet. Wait until we are done with the rest of your dezgra forces, then he will get the coward's death he deserves. [to allies:] All units, be advised, those...snake-mechs are slaved to the flyer and will interpose if you try to hit it.

Shaun 7:34 pm
It seems like complete chaos. Kamina, your efforts to move the Gunmen is still hitting a brick wall. But it seems to be slowly giving...

Alan Bunting 7:35 pm
*"Uh-oh!" Simon brings the Lagann down, drilling into the ground to get out of the way and re-emerging a short distance from where he'd been before.+

EricOverbringer 7:35 pm
Kamina pounds the side of the cockpit, "I didn't dig myself out of that pit just to end it here, so come on you piece of shit."

EricOverbringer 7:36 pm
And with sheer fighting spirit, Kamina ignites the spark of power that lies in all humans. Power that the Gunmen recognizes. "Just who the hell do you think I am!?"

Shaun 7:36 pm
[Simon] Lagann is a sturdy thing, and for a moment it just explodes in place. But then suddenly a Nakel bursts out from underneath it, and Lagann is within its huge jaws! [React again]

EricOverbringer 7:36 pm

Shaun 7:37 pm
[Kamina] With a massive whine of energy, the Gunman explodes into furious action!
[Apologies for the derp, Seymour, Resnick, Tron]

frifreeman 7:38 pm
Tron: It won't be like last time, Glyde. This time, we're in an equal machine!

Alan Bunting 7:38 pm
*Simon is indeed caught in the mecha-beast's jaws...! Lagann's pretty sturdy, but Simon can't take this forever!+

EricOverbringer 7:38 pm
*Out of fucking nowhere, the Red gunmen comes smashing into the Nakel with both spike-like feet stretched out in a flying kick. "JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM KICK!!!"

Shaun 7:39 pm
[Kamina/Simon] The attack smashes through the neck of the Nakel, shattering it like glass -- and smashing up the feet of the Gunman, but at least it can still stand!

frifreeman 7:39 pm
Tron zooms toward Glyde, firing bursts of vulcan fire all the time, then she swipes as she reaches melee range, using the tip of fokker-wulf's wing as a blade

HyprKnux 1 7:40 pm
Gen: "...a Rider Kick! Sweet!"

Shaun 7:40 pm
[Tron] Glyde darts around like a bird, dodging attacks as the blade carves a shot across the Rafale's chest.

Tenebrae Luna 7:40 pm
Seymour sends his dragon towards a Gunmen. Once it is in range, it grapples the Gunmen and digs its' claws into to grip it before using its' powerful body to attempt to lift the Gunmen into the air with it as it takes off.&

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:40 pm
Resnick: Hm, it seems we must kill these things before we can get the flyer. Thus...[Lines of light spear from Prowler's arms as he hits another of the nakels with all four ERMLAS and the LPLAS. Heat alarms begin to whine and the cockpit starts to get hot.]

Shaun 7:40 pm
Glyde: Nngh! Not bad Miss Tron

Shaun 7:40 pm
[Seymour] Your attempt is good and it's lifted into the air! [Continue]

Liz Corto 7:40 pm
hoshi: "... Ya think we picked up another stranded one?"

HyprKnux 1 7:41 pm
Gen: "...I dunno, I don't think Riders ride mecha!

Shaun 7:41 pm
[Resnick] The attacks smash into the Nakel, peppering it with massive holes! But it responds with spitting sparky energy orbs. [React]

Alan Bunting 7:41 pm
Lagann hits the ground with an undignified thud, and Simon struggles to get up. "That was close... Thanks, bro! Are you okay?"

Liz Corto 7:41 pm
Hoshi: "Well, this means we've gotta see what he's worth!"

VJockey 7:41 pm
Vlaska: [Was just watching everything happening... and debating the pros and cons of returning to his nap.]

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:42 pm
Resnick: [he jukes prowler to the side, but one of the orbs still melts armor off one leg]

EricOverbringer 7:42 pm
Kamina: "Of course I am! Nothing can stop the immortal Kamina!"

Shaun 7:42 pm
[Resnick] Yep, and alarms flare again, crackling out damage.

EricOverbringer 7:42 pm
"And I've got your back, so nothing stopping you either, bro!"

Alan Bunting 7:43 pm
Simon: "I... okay! Let's take care of this!"

Tenebrae Luna 7:43 pm
Once his dragon gets into the air, it spins to disorient the Gunman as it speeds higher into the air. Once it reaches a peak in height, the dragon flings the Gunman to the ground before launching a concentrated beam of energy into it causing it to hurtle into the ground.+

Shaun 7:44 pm
[Seymour] The attack slams the Gunman into the ground with astounding force, cracking the area for nearly a half a kilometer!
It is at this point that the ground starts to crack...

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:44 pm
Resnick: Not again.

Shaun 7:45 pm
Leeron: Oh no~! The ground over Old Litner is too unstable!

HyprKnux 1 7:45 pm
Gen: "Wha...?!"

Shaun 7:45 pm
And with that, the whole ground around Litner breaks into a million pieces, plunging everyone down into the earth below.

EricOverbringer 7:45 pm
"Alright, let's do-WOAH!"

Shaun 7:45 pm
It is surprisingly lit up, from the glowing artifacts. Yes, not one but two items! Seems like Tessel was almost correct!
But on the ground when you all impact, there's a viiolent hissing sound. It seems the ground is one giant ACID PIT.
That accident that Yoko said happened to Litner, turned it into a giant acid pit and it is eating at everything in sight, save for Tron and Glyde.
Everyone roll for dex to get out of there. [React]

frifreeman 7:47 pm
Tron:What is that!? Is that what my brother is looking for?

HyprKnux 1 7:47 pm
Gen: "WOAH! Acid bad! Acid bad!" *And Gen's going to try to rocket out of there!+

frifreeman 7:47 pm
Servbots: Yay, we're flying! We're not dropping down this time!

EricOverbringer 7:47 pm
Kamina scrambles up the side of the cave. While yelling. No way in hell is he going to die back in another pit.

Tenebrae Luna 7:47 pm
Seymour snaps his fingers and his dragon rushes to him and attempts to grab him and get him to safety.+

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:47 pm
Resnick: [He swears in Russian and Clanner English and tries to feather his descent...but they don't have enough juice to get him out of the pit, so as he hits the ground, he engages MASC to try to just run out of there as his leg armor is slowly eaten away. Luckily by Terran standards it's pretty heavy.]

Alan Bunting 7:47 pm
*Simon's first impulse is to drill, before he realizes this is a bad idea in a bit full of acid. He'll instead find a way to climb out as quickly as possible, only mostly panicking.+

VJockey 7:47 pm
Vlaska: *THE GROUND IS MADE OF ACID! Vlaska's cat-climbing up the side of the pit while yowling in fear!]

Shaun 7:48 pm
Yes Tron it is! it is not one but two artifacts!

Liz Corto 7:48 pm
Did someone say get the hell out of dodge? Hoshi sure is gonna go flee like a fleeing thing.

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:48 pm
[there are climbable sides in this acid pit, right? cause resnick's mech can't fly]

Shaun 7:48 pm
[I didn't grease the sides]
With a startled roar of anger, the Gunmen are splashing around ineffectively as their armor is being eaten away. Also, the Nakels as well are writhing in what appears to be mechanical pain as their numbers are steadily whittled down.

Shaun 7:50 pm
Glyde: Well this was unexpected. It was like some divine force from beyond was finishing off my problems for me.
[Everyone] Your collective efforts manage to pull several of you back upwards although there's quite a bit of damage. This is like 1 D10 of Acid here.
The fumes are overpowering for the small units and you'd best protect yourself, but the artifacts are right there for the taking.

Shaun 7:52 pm
With the Gunmen flailing around in the acid pit, Glyde sighs theatrically.

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:52 pm
Resnick: I told you you would get the coward's death you deserve. [He aims and fire the four medium lasers at one of the struggling gunmen.]

frifreeman 7:52 pm
Tron: I'll be getting those then!

Shaun 7:52 pm
Glyde: I suppose it had to come to this. Miss Tron, I would suggest getting your items before your companions ignite the acid.
Wait did he say ignite?

frifreeman 7:53 pm
And tron swoops to get the artifacts
Tron: The energy... it's overwhelming...

Shaun 7:53 pm
Tron, at that moment when you grab it, Resnick's lasers ignite the acid, and there is a massive explosion, throwing everyone into the sky, no matter who it is!

Alan Bunting 7:53 pm
Simon: "Ignite?"

HyprKnux 1 7:53 pm
Gen: "...uh-oh."

frifreeman 7:53 pm
Tron and Servbots: Gyaaaah!

EricOverbringer 7:53 pm
Kamina: "Ignite?"

Shaun 7:53 pm
Seems like this is an explosive acidic compound, and everyone is hurled skyward, throwing you all upwards! [React All Again]

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:54 pm
Resnick: Acid does not ig...[Looks like team Clan Wolf's blasting off agaaiiiiiiinnn]

HyprKnux 1 7:54 pm
Gen: "WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" *And Gen's shooting off into the sky.*

Alan Bunting 7:55 pm
*"Waaaaaah!" Simon lets out a cry of panic yet again as he's sent into the air by the explosion. "Bro, if this is what piloting a mecha is going to be like, I'm not sure I want to do it!"

VJockey 7:55 pm
Vlaska: NOOOOO! VLASKA NOT LIKE THIIIS! *oh this was bringing all SORTS of horrific flashbacks to the Ocean incident! All it was missing was that stupid metal lizard taunting him! Vlaska flails and attempts to find some way to land safely as gravity begins to exert itself! SCAREDY CAT IS SCARED!+

frifreeman 7:55 pm
Tron: What else can she do except flying above as fast as she could?

Liz Corto 7:55 pm
Hoshi: "What in the hell's--" Nope, no time to talk as she's hurtling in the sky with her cape acting as a secondary shield.

frifreeman 7:55 pm
Tron: I guess this is ancient civilization's acid

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:56 pm
Resnick: [Not really though, since a 75 ton mech is way too heavy to just be blown into the sky like that. Instead he gets slammed into the wall, taking massive damage to his vulnerable back armor, opening it up even to expose the internal workings of his mech. Also he cracks his face on the dash and blacks out momentarily.]

EricOverbringer 7:56 pm
Kamina grits his teeth as he is sent flying into the sky!

EricOverbringer 7:57 pm
But can't really do anything about it

Tenebrae Luna 7:57 pm
Seymour's dragon moves to position itself so that it can ride the updraft from the explosion while holding Seymour close to use its' body as a shield.+

Shaun 7:57 pm
Indeed it is, Tron, indeed it is. With heavy slams, and maybe some impacts, everyone is thrown free as the massive fireball soars into the air, causing several morning goers on the Chalice to spittake their coffee. Rim coffee no less. But as you shower down like a gol--no, not doing that. As you fall and impact with massive slams, those who can't fly, it seems everything has been defeated, if you are all charbroiled momentarily. There is a lot of burn damage and melting damage to everything on the field from the proximity of the explosion.
But it seems that your efforts in retrieving the items are well paid off, as Tron you are clutching both objects, the tear and another artifact, both brimming with power.
The Gunmen land with unceremonious slams and two groggy beastmen poke their heads out to find their captain half-cooked. Swearing oaths of emnity they flee, screaming to get away from these madmen who'd ignite the acid.

HyprKnux 1 7:58 pm
Gen: "...ow..." And, on the ground is a Fourze-shaped hole, Rocket module and Drill module still attached.

VJockey 7:59 pm
Vlaska:... [Meows pitifully. His everything hurts. He should've kept napping!]

Shaun 7:59 pm
As for Glyde, the Rafale is rocked by the intense heat, and he swears a little.
Glyde: Mon Dieu! I will get you next time, count on it!
And he sails off, to lick his wounds.

EricOverbringer 7:59 pm

Liz Corto 7:59 pm
Hoshi: "... I think everything's together..." Yeah, there's a Vita shaped hole in the ground with her knocked down to her default form.

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 7:59 pm
Resnick: Aff, what the loud one said!

Shaun 8:00 pm
What remains of Litner is a cave in the back hole, huge chunks of ancient civilization stuck into it like a massive cake made by a blind man.
Leeron pokes his head up and sighs.
Leeron: All this damage. Looks like we're coming with you boys~!

Alan Bunting 8:01 pm
Simon is reduced to a low moan. "Owwwww. That was crazy... Is everyone all right?"

Tenebrae Luna 8:01 pm
Seymour: A vistory is a victory. Learn to appreciate it. Continuing would not benefit us in the least.

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 8:01 pm
Resnick: Welgome ab'rd. [His mouth and nose are clogged with blood.]

Shaun 8:02 pm
Dan: What... was that exactly everyone?

HyprKnux 1 8:02 pm
Gen: "...ow..."

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 8:03 pm
Resnick: wh'd id wrong wig my digplay...[It's also covered in blood.]

Shaun 8:03 pm
It seems that your actions has been a partial success. On one hand, you got what you came for. And Kamina has retrieved a badly burnt and melted Gunmen.
But everyone is alive, and that's a good part!
Mission Complete!
Paul M. Robles (Herc061881) has left the room.
8:05 pm

EricOverbringer 8:05 pm
Kamina: "Man, I was just the starting to get fired up."
VJockey (vertigojockey@gmail.com) has left the room.
8:05 pm

Liz Corto 8:05 pm
Hoshi: "... I'm going to go nap right here, okay?" And like that, she does.

Tenebrae Luna 8:05 pm
Seymour: Hmm, exploding acid...That is an interesting idea. Time to develop a new weapon.
HyprKnux 1 has left the room.
8:05 pm
Tenebrae Luna (TenebraeLunaXIII) has left the room.
8:06 pm

lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson 8:07 pm
Resnick: Do we need medigz?
EricOverbringer has left the room.
8:08 pm
Liz Corto (Rafflesia Sky) has left the room.
8:08 pm

Alan Bunting 8:08 pm
Lagann's hatch opens and Simon slides out. "It sure sounds like it." He walkes over to Hoshi. "Hey, you shouldn't sleep here..." Nope, she's out cold. "I know it's weird, but... can we come back with you guys for now?"

Shaun 8:10 pm
Ayame: Sure what's another group of people.
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