Title: Her (2/5)
Chapter Title: Quinn Fabray
Pairing: Santana/Brittany; Santana/Several Blondes
Chapter Pairing: Santana/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prequel to Blondes. The women that came before and leading up to Brittany. Santana denies she has a certain type when it comes to women but what's with all the evidence saying otherwise?
Spoilers: None.
Author's Note: I re-wrote the ending and I’m still not pleased with it. It still bothers me.
My Master Fic List David Lopez has just turned six and he’s sitting watching cartoons with Eugene and Marcos, his younger twin brothers. His baby sister Santana is in her crib and laying on her belly with her head tilted up. She’s seemingly watching the cartoons along with them. The doorbell rings and the twin brothers shoot up from the couch to go see who’s at the door. In their haste, Eugene trips over Marcos and they both come crashing to the floor.
A happy gurgle escapes baby Santana’s lips, seemingly enjoying her older brothers’ mishap. Marcos shoves Eugene off of him and they reach the already open door. Heather Fabray is standing in front of her mother who’s holding baby Quinn in her arms. Pleasantries are passed between the two mothers before the Fabray girls are let inside the house.
Heather waves goodbye at her mother and trots on over to the couch, sitting right next to David who ignores her, too busy watching Tom and Jerry on the screen. Baby Quinn on the other hand is sleeping and placed in the crib right next to a wide-eyed Santana. The Latina baby looks at the sleeping Quinn in complete awe, forgetting to watch her older twin brothers fight for the open spot on the couch.
Mrs. Lopez is cautiously watching her baby girl, fearful that she might wake up Quinn, or hit her or something. A minute passes and Mrs. Lopez feels that maybe it’s all right to leave the two alone until Santana makes a move. Her little baby girl is crawling towards Quinn and she holds her breath, expecting the worst. Santana plops down and curls around baby Quinn, her eyes soon closing and falling asleep. A smile covers Mrs. Lopez’s lips, “Well, that’s a first…”
It doesn’t come as a surprise to the Lopez clan when Santana and Quinn become the best of friends. They’re in kindergarten on the first day of school and the two are placed next to each other at the desks in class. Quinn struggles with writing her name because Q’s are kind of like circles and those are hard but she feels luckier than Santana. S’s are all curvy in lots of places and that’s even harder to write.
During recess, the two stick together and decide to play on the swings. In an act that was completely not Santana, the Latina girl let Quinn take a seat on the only open swing. Even more than that, she actually began pushing the blonde higher and higher. Quinn’s enjoying the rush of the air and the feel of flying. Her blonde tresses flow behind her and she lets out a giggle before bracing herself to be pushed by the surprisingly strong Latina.
Soon after, the bell rings and all of the little children are running back to class. In the blur of things, Santana trips over an untied shoelace and slowly gets up, her clothes slightly dusty. Quinn helps her up, looks into dark eyes and smiles softly before kissing her cheek, “I always feel better when mama kisses my boo-boo.”
Santana knows that fact but doesn’t bother correcting Quinn that her boo-boo was on her knee, not her cheek, because it actually feels kind of nice [if evidence of her rosy cheeks isn’t enough]. They make their way back to class hand-in-hand. The two are inseparable after that, saying that they are best friends forever.
One day, they’re sitting in the sandbox Quinn decides that she wants to play house with Finn. Santana goes along with it and smiles, “Okay, but I get to be the dad and you’re the baby.”
Finn frowns at the thought, his hands playing with the sand, “I don’t want to be the baby.”
“But you’re a baby.”
“No I’m not!”
“Yes you are!”
“I don’t want to be the baby…” Finn crosses his arms over his chest and glares at the smaller girl.
Santana’s face tightens and gives Finn a withering glare [the beginnings of what will be known as her “bitchface” when she gets older], “Do you wanna play or not? I wanna say ‘honey I’m home’.”
Finn has a wounded look on his face and Santana’s immune to his “kicked puppy” expression, her glare intensifying even more. Quinn looks over to him with a tilt of her head, wondering what his decision will be but having no problems if he doesn’t play, she has Santana.
The boy lets out a small whine, “Oh fine, but can I build a sand castle?”
“Sure,” Santana says in a smug voice, clearly happy with getting her way.
“Get out of my seat, Smurfette,” Santana says with venom in her voice.
Everyone’s seven now and just got into art class, Santana got separated from Quinn in the line and she ended up in the back while the blonde was up front. When the Latina walked into the classroom, she was not pleased to find the short girl in her designated seat next to her best friend.
Rachel’s dark eyes looked up into Santana’s own and folded her hands on top of the desk with her head held high, “Santana, I was here first. This seat next to Quinn was vacant and it is not like you have a reservation. I apologize that you weren’t able to get here as quickly as I did but I will not be moving from this seat. And I find your comparison of me to a little blue creature very offensive, so if you would so kindly call me Rachel, I see no problems in our future.”
Santana’s a bit lost on Rachel’s explanation because she doesn’t understand big words yet and she actually thinks she’s speaking alien at first. Once Rachel stops talking and it’s clear that she isn’t going to move, Santana scowls. Rachel’s resolve is still strong until Santana moves forward and shoves the little girl out of her stool.
Rachel hits the floor along with a loud clang from the stool following her. Everyone’s attention is on them now and Noah has this look of awe on his face before being replaced by a smirk. The teacher immediately sends Santana to the principal’s office. Quinn looks over to Rachel with slight sympathy but can’t help thinking that Santana’s so badass [I mean cool] for getting in trouble.
No one realizes that Santana’s left-handed until they’re eight and Quinn thinks it’s pretty cool. She always contemplates how her best friend can write with her left hand and tries writing her name with her left hand one day but fails when her hand starts cramping up after the third letter.
They’re writing in class and Santana is seated next to Mike and Matt instead of Quinn because she got in trouble the other day for gelling Kurt’s hair with Elmer’s glue and the teacher made her switch seats with Rachel Berry. So Santana’s kind of scowling but she’s discovered this awesome thing called “note passing” and she’s gotten away with it for several days now.
She just finishes scrawling her note and has effectively passed it to Quinn before returning to her assignment. As she’s writing a sentence, her left elbow bumps into Mike’s right and he looks at her. She adjusts her seat and continues writing but this time Mike’s elbow bumps into hers. The little girl glares at the Asian and he shrinks back a little [because he’s learned that glares from that girl always end horribly].
They both resume the task of finishing the assignment before their elbows hit each other for the third time and Santana is fed up. She punches the boy’s arm and he immediately grips his arm [damn, that hurt] and lucky for him, the teacher happened to be walking by. Santana is reprimanded [but not sent to the principal’s office] and the teacher makes them switch seats so their elbows don’t bump anymore. [Honestly, the teacher is kind of tired of sending Santana to the principal].
Matt looks between his best friend and the notorious bad girl of the school and he thinks that Mike is actually lucky that Santana only made his arm sore. He remembers Rachel not being so lucky and went home with bruises last year after the stool incident.
They’re all even older now, the last year of elementary school and some children are coming out of the “cooties” belief. Noah is one of those kids and he’s developed a number of crushes on girls his age and several high school girls who baby sit him sometimes. His current crush happens to be Santana’s best friend and he has a stupid idea to give Quinn chocolate kisses.
Quinn looks down in her hand to the tin foil covered, melted, chocolate kiss. The young boy is smiling at her and thinks that it’s pretty smooth that he gave her his last kiss.
“It was in my pocket but it was my last piece and I wanted you to have it.”
Quinn blinks and looks up to the smug look of the boy, “Why?”
“Because you’re cute and I like you,” he says with another shrug.
The blonde girl has a look of discomfort because Noah is nice and all but she doesn’t exactly think of boys like that yet. Santana on the other hand has a look of disgust, “Eww, you have cooties Noah.”
Noah’s smug look turns angry in an instant, “I do not Lopez. You do.”
Santana grabs the chocolate from Quinn’s hand and throws it at his head, “Cootie boy!”
The melted chocolate hits his face and Noah growls because that was his last piece and Quinn was supposed to be impressed but stupid Santana had to ruin it. He pushes her and Santana responds by throwing sand in his face. Noah is blinded for a minute and he can feel his eye water, trying to clear his blurry vision. His hands feel around on the floor and once he can see, he throws the rock at Santana. The rock hits her leg and she admits it hurts but she goes over to him and kicks him in the shin.
Noah doesn’t take kindly to that and he throws his body onto hers and the two are then wrestling. She’s hitting his chest with her fists and Noah can feel himself getting winded so he knees her in the stomach and she rolls off of him [because that hurt like a bitch]. He goes to grab a stick but she tackles him and grabs his short hair and he yells. Quinn watches with wide eyes as they wrestle before a recess aid come to break it up. They’re covered in scratches, bruises, some blood, sweat, and lots of dirt. The two are sent to the principal’s office and they both are sent home in their wrinkled clothes with a disciplinary slip.
Quinn and Santana are fourteen now, having their last sleepover before high school starts. They’ve stuck together through thick and thin but they’ve kind of drifted apart. Quinn looks over to her best friend, “Hey San?”
Santana takes her attention away from the movie and finds hazel eyes searching her own, “What’s up Q?”
“Promise we’ll stay friends throughout high school?” Quinn just wants reassurance that they’ll stay friends because Santana is her first and longest friend.
The Latina laughs, “Quinn…we’re best friends. Of course we’ll stay friends.”
“Just promise me.”
Santana sits up and holds the blonde’s hands in her own, “I promise.”
Quinn cracks a smile and kisses the brunette’s cheek before settling back down on the couch, resting her head on her best friend’s shoulder.
A/N: I was working on the next chapter but this chapter was bothering me so much. Hopefully this is better? Argh. I’m going to kill myself if the ending isn't good because I still don’t like it but I've worked at it! Sigh.