Name/nickname: Li Qing
Age: 16
Likes: writing, drawing, singing, reading fanfiction, k-pop, dancing, roleplaying
Dislikes: Well, you know, racists, jerks, pressure, school, etc.
What do you like to do for fun? draw & roleplay! 8D /feels like a dork
Fav book? Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandell
Fav movie? Well, I just finished watching the amazing "PONYO", sooo, yeah. :D
Things you like about yourself: Uuuuuuh... xDD; My socks? I'd say bits & pieces of my personality.
Things you don't like about yourself: my neck(?! xDD), my not-at-all-convenient awkward moments, & my temper D<
What are your future goals? MAKE FRANDS WITH EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE *A*, become a writer/authoress or become famous. someway. somehow. ^^v
Are you...
optimistic or pessimistic?: A bit of both. :D I get optimistic for other people, but pessimistic for myself. xDD Because deep down inside, I know I'm pretty fail at a lot of things. 8D
impulsive or cautious?: cautioussss (unless I'm sugar-high!)
hyper or calm?: This really depends on who I'm with, where I am, and what I ate before. :D
mature or immature?: I like to believe that we're all immature deep down inside of us.
touchy feely or not?: Touchy-feely with the right people. ^^v
a leader or a follower?: Usually a follower. Unless I get frustrated. D<
If you had to live on a deserted island, what 3 things would you take with you? UHHHHH~ UH. A cell phone that can have service on that island :D, some form of transportation that can get me off the island, & someone who can work that form of transportation & can keep me company. ^^"
A stranger walks over and tries to start a conversation. How do you respond? With a one-word short answer & walk awayyyyyyyy. D: Mommy said not to talk to strangers.
You get stood up by a friend :( what do you do? BE SAD. D: And then ask about it the next day or something.
Fav SS501 song: A Song Calling For You~!! (Lalalalala~ xD)
Fav SS501 music video: LUCKY DAYS. aiuormhfomlvm SO CUTE. ^^
Fav SS501 look (ie Fighter, Snow Prince, 4Chance, Japan) Persona Tour~~ :]
Congrats, you've been recruited by DSP!
What is your talent?
hsauovmuhdfvnhudf *A* SINGING?! /dreams came true xDD
What would your image be? (ie: cute magnae, confident leader, older sister/brother, band mom, skank, funky, innocent/angel)
They've asked one of the SS501 boys to help you train, which one would it be and why?
Kyujong, the only person with enough patience to put up with me. xDDD Aaaand because I love his singing voice and pretty much everything about him /shot
Uh oh, looks like DSP can't afford any more dorms D: which SS501 member would you room with (or perhaps not room with) and why?
Hyunjoong! Because I sleep late & get up early. xDDD We could sleep late & not bother each other, and then later I could get him to wake up by being obnoxious. :D
DSP decides a scandal would be good for business. Who/what would you be involved with?
Scandel? /hides/
Probably some letters/emails that I sent back to America were found / hacked into. Q Q Jaebeom. /CRIES FOREVER
How many fans will hate you? Will you redeem yourself in their eyes or live in infamy forever?
Lmao, haters will be haters. :] Can't really do anything about them; they're just gon' keep hating.