Title: The Bunny
Pairing: Sihae (Siwon-father, Donghae-son) (Theme 43-Washing Machine)
Rating: PG
Summary: Donghae's stuffed animal is in need of a wash.
A/N: comments are appreciated ^.^
“No! Give me back bunny!”
Siwon inwardly sighed as he tried to pry Donghae’s tight hug away from his legs. This happened every single time Donghae’s beloved stuffed bunny had to be washed and it always took more than an hour to coax Donghae to let go.
“Donghae, please, I have to wash bunny. I told mommy that I would have everything washed by the time he got home. Look, I promise to give it back to you after okay? Be a good boy now.”
Donghae started to cry as his grip on Siwon’s legs grew tighter thus effectively immobilizing Siwon from stepping any closer to the washing machine.
“But you’ll hurt bunny. I don’t want you to hurt bunny. Bunny has feelings too. How would you feel if someone threw you into a washing machine without your agreement? Bunny doesn’t like to be washed, I know because he told me so himself. Please, appa, don’t wash bunny.”
Siwon knelt down, careful not to knock over Donghae in the process. Donghae looked up towards Siwon’s face and he felt so sad to see Donghae’s normal cheery face now streaked with tears.
“Donghae-yah, please stop crying. How about you talk with bunny first and comfort him. I promise no harm will come to him okay?”
Donghae nodded quickly and let go of Siwon’s legs, his signature smile starting to show on his face again. He held out his hands and Siwon handed the stuffed animal over to Donghae. As Donghae turned away to have his private talk with bunny, Siwon reached out and ruffled his hair. Donghae turned back, quickly gave his father a hug, and ran back to his room.
A few minutes later, Donghae came back to the washing room and solemnly handed bunny over to Siwon.
“Bunny says that he understands and is willing to now be washed. Please take care of him appa.”
Smiling at Donghae, Siwon replied, “I promise.”
-- -- --
Later that night, as Donghae was sleeping peacefully with his bunny tucked under his arm, Siwon was complaining to Hangeng about his ordeal with Donghae today.
“Hangeng, we need to do something about Donghae. Your talk with him last time didn’t work; he still thinks that his stuffed animal is real and alive. Hangeng, what should we do?”
“Siwon, stop whining. He will eventually grow out of it; if you want, I’ll talk to him again tomorrow morning okay? Now shut up and go to sleep.”
Siwon grunted, put his arm around Hangeng’s waist, and drifted into sleep.