Title: Never Again
Pairing: Hanchul (Theme 15 - Lick)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After his wife died, Heechul swore to never love again.
A/N: first fic, comment please?
It wasn’t his fault; he never thought that he would one day fall for the Chinese man. His boss had ordered him to gain his trust and obtain the hidden jewels. It wasn’t very different from any of the other jobs he had done before. He thought his emotions were all safely locked away inside him. Death had changed him; no longer was he the carefree person he once was. He swore, ever since his wife died that he would never love again, never show his vulnerable side to the world. However, the Chinese man was able to reach inside him and pull out the very emotions that he had sought to keep hidden.
“Chullie, come one, let’s go get ice cream. It’s way too hot today.”
“Fine, fine, but stop whining.” Heechul smiled to himself as Hankyung pulled on his hand, trying to get him to hurry up. Stopping all of a sudden, he realized that he had smiled, genuinely smiled, for the first time in 2 years. Not a smile that was forced in order to fool Hankyung, but one that he truly meant.
“Heechul, are you okay?” Hearing the concern in Hankyung’s voice, he quickly reassured Hankyung that he was fine and started walking again.
Arriving at the ice cream shop, they both went in and ordered. Hankyung, deciding to be brave, tried the wasabi-flavored ice cream, while Heechul stuck with his usual strawberry.
As he licked the outside of the ice cream cone, trying to catch all the droplets caused by the melting of the ice cream, he felt someone staring at him. Looking up quickly, he saw that it was Hankyung who was staring at him.
“What is it Hankyung, do I have ice cream on my face or something? Why are you staring at me?”
“Well, you do, one your nose, but that’s not the reason why. I…well I, nevermind.”
“Look, it’s okay Hankyung, you can tell me anything.”
“Okay, here goes nothing. I think--no, I’m sure I love you and I was wondering if you also felt the same way.”
Heechul stared at Hankyung for a second or two and opened his mouth to say something. However, try as he might, he couldn’t produce any sound.
“I get it, I’m sorry I ever said anything. Please, forget I ever mentioned it, and I think I have to go” Just as Hankyung was about to walk away, Heechul reached out and grabbed his hand.
“Look, Hankyung, I’m not really sure how I feel so, at least for now, friends?” Heechul inwardly sighed as Hankyung started to smile again.
“Ya, friends. So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Ya, I’ll come by around 10:00.”
Heechul smiled as he remembered that incident as he was walking around the apartment pouring gasoline on the floor. A week after Hankyung had confessed to him, Heechul realized that things had gone too far. He had promised himself that a situation like this would never happen again, and so to prevent it from progressing any further, he decided that he would do something to stop it.
As he was walking out the door, he took a brief glance towards the bedroom, where an unconscious Hankyung laid behind it. Striking a match, he quickly dropped it onto the floor and watched as the flames slowly started licking at the walls of the apartment.
“I do love you Hankyung.”
With those final words, Heechul, with a bag of jewels clutched in his right hand, turned around and walked away.
Because, as everyone knows, the job always comes first.