(no subject)

Dec 29, 2004 02:33

Radom Questions:

1.) What was my old dogs name?

2.) Who was my first girlfriend?

3.) What kind of school did I go to for preschool and kindergarden?

4.) What was my first and only real concert?

5.) Who is the one person I strongly dislike the most?

6.) Where was I born?

7.) What musical instruments do I know how to play?

8.) How many pets have I had throughout the years?

9.) Who was my only friend until seventh grade?

10.) What member of my family is a little psychotic?

11.) What is the only show on TV I watch?

12.) What do I call my style?

13.) What was my first passion?

14.) What is my favorite...

A. Food:

B. Subject in school:

C. Animal:

D. Band:

E. Singer:

F. Show from fifth grade until eigth grade:

G. Teacher in elementary school:

H. Song of all time:

I. Current song:

J. Computer mini series

15.) True or false?

A. I love when couples and twins have matching outfits.

B. I use to hate shopping for clothes until last year.

C. I hate ugg boots and leg warmers.

D. I hate words like groovy, rad, and killer.

E. I love when people talk gangster, but never use it myself.

F. I have many more friends that are girls than friends that are guys.


16.) What was I for Halloween the last four years?

17.) What movie was I obssessed with as a child and had every action figure and video in the series?

18.) What was my favorite ride at Marvelous Marvin's Mechanical Museum ad a child?

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