A few riddles and mind benders to amuse yourselves with.
What english word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word?
What is so fragile even saying it's name can break it?
Why is the baby ant confused?
A chest without hinges, key or lid but inside golden treasures are hid. What is the chest and what is the treasure?
There were five men going to church and it started to rain. The four that ran got wet and the one that stood still stayed dry.
Two fathers and two sons went fishing and caught three fish. Each person went home with one whole fish.
A man with his son in the car got in a car crash. The father died and the son survived, but needed emergency surgery. When the surgeon came into the operating room, thy said "I can't operate on this boy. He's my son."
What is that which goes with a carriage, comes with a carriage, is of no use to a carriage, and yet the carriage cannot go without it?
[[OOC: You can comment with your characters' answers, or their attempts at answers. You can make up your own answers but the correct answers are: (m)ember. Silence. All his uncles were ants. An eggshell with an egg inside. A body in a coffin and bearers. A father, his son, and that son's son went fishing (grandfather->father->son). The surgeon was the boy's mother. Noise.]]