The following stories and art have been uploaded to Walking the Plank, the Snape/Harry archive, over the past two weeks.
Antartica by Rakina [Some Sex/Violence]
Summary: Now all his kids are at Hogwarts, Harry's life should be settled and happy. But something's just not right, and it shows in his dreams. It's Dark and cold, but it's better than the warmth of Real Life, and Harry doesn't understand it. He doesn't understand himself anymore. Includes animal sacrifice; a weird kind of Necromancy and an even weirder romance.
Warnings: Mental Illness, Partner Betrayal
Choices by Leela [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: So, I offered who_la_hoop fanfic for her birthday, and she asked for Harry/Severus/Draco with a prompt of "special occasion". Shortly before that, I read comment porn from klynie1. One thing led to another and I ended up writing this short bit.
Warnings: Threesomes
Do You Trust Me by torino10154 [Explicit Sex/Violence]
Summary: Severus brews a de-aging potion. Harry wonders if he was meant to look thirteen.
Warnings: Ambiguous Consent, Bloodplay/Breathplay, Chan 13-15
The Potter Curse by empathic siren [Some Sex/Violence]
Summary: Severus Snape has been cursed, causing him do the most unimaginably sordid things. Potter's the reason for it, he's sure. But then everything in Severus's life seems to begin and end with Potter.
Harry Loves Snape (Cover) by wotchertonks7 [Some Sex/Violence]
Warning: Chan 13-15
Snarry by Umino [Some Sex/Violence]
Warnings: Chan 16-18
Steady by HedwigsHaven [No Sex/Violence]
Summary: Before battle, a little comfort
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort
The Walking the Plank archive can be found at: Please don't forget to leave some love for the artist's/authors by leaving feedback!